PGCert Leadership in Health 

"I had an energising year. I learnt so much about the practicalities and realities of leading change as a clinician. We have lots of new projects and ideas underway now, none of which would have happened were it not for the Darzi Fellowship"

Darzi Alumni

Alongside the Fellowship challenge, Darzi Fellows complete our custom created PGCert Leadership in Health. This course consists of three modules, taught in person by senior professors and experts in the field. These modules are dynamic and collaborative, and variously involve site visits, guest speakers, masterclasses, and opportunities for networking. The three modules are explored in more detail below.

Innovating Systems

Understanding the Context for Leading Change and Developing and Implementing New Innovations in Care

Core Concepts of Quality

Introducing the Concepts of Patient Flow in Systems, Improvement Science, Systems Leadership and Coproduction

Leading Systems in Change

Leading Complex Change in Systems in Real-Time through the Fellowship Challenges

Module 1 - Innovating Systems

This module provides an understanding of how new innovations in care are developed and implemented, from teams to systems. It includes developing personal capacity for leading as peers in inter-disciplinary teams, and with citizens. 

There are two face-to-face workshops, the first of which is followed by an immersion week within your own organisation and health system; a series of median group sessions (unstructured whole-group sessions, drawing upon analytical approaches, a method widely used for developing an appreciation of team and organisational dynamics); and an onsite programme of exploration of the local context (student managed hours). Formative assessment is through a reflective learning assignment after the first workshop, and a summative assessment by a presentation and viva to your sponsor and the course director. 

Module 2 - Core Concepts of Quality

This programme provides an introduction to quality in healthcare drawing on systemic and socio-cultural approaches to quality (effectiveness, safety and experience) and approaches to understanding variation, flow, value and failure demand within service design and planning, and co-production. This programme is designed to be highly experiential and interactive. It involves cycles of activity, inquiry and reflection over three days, with debriefing conversations to ground learning throughout. Where possible, sessions will be based on real data to illustrate ideas and explore current and future practice. This module is provided over two workshops and blended learning offer a grounding in the key concepts of quality that are in practice in the NHS. Formative assessment is through a presentation, and the summative assessment by a 4000 word assignment. 

Module 3 - Leading Systems in Change

This module takes Darzi Fellows through the phases of discovery and generating focus for their projects, designing a change process, implementing change and evaluating the impact of the change. The module also develops leadership skills in navigating through conflicting ideologies, assumptions and demands in collaborating organisations and teams. You are supported in your application of learning to your change work by coaching sessions with a dedicated coach, facilitated Action Learning Sets, skills workshops on negotiation, conflict management and resilience, and face-to-face workshops. 

The Formative Assessment is via one 500 word Fellowship Challenge Proposal, and then a final 4000 word summative assessment report based on your Darzi Fellowship Challenge.