Information for Fellows

"Thank you. I had a fantastic year and really appreciated the time, knowledge and energy from you and the rest of the faculty. Delighted with the result!”

Darzi Alumni

Your Darzi Fellowship is a fantastic opportunity to undertake change work with the support of peers and experts in the fields of complex change, systems leadership, effective teams, improvement, and new models of care from the UK and Internationally.

You will join a community of leaders and connect to leaders around the globe, through modules, coaching, action learning sets, co-consulting, skills and practice workshops, and an online global course with MIT. The group work includes simulations and exposure to leading thinkers and practitioners.

At the end of the Fellows Programme you will have:

During your year as a Darzi Fellow, not only do you work on your Fellowship Challenge, but you also engage with a custom constructed Postgraduate Certificate: our PGCert Leadership in Health.

Key Dates

These are the course dates for 2024/25. Attendance is compulsory for Fellows -  if you have any questions, get in contact with us via

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