แบบฝึกหัด บทที่ 1

Lesson 1 : Passive Voice

แบบฝึกหัดการเปลี่ยน active voice เป็น passive voice พร้อมเฉลย

ดูเนื้อหาจากเรื่อง การเปลี่ยน Active Voice เป็น Passive Voice 12 Tense และตัวอย่าง

Rewrite the active sentences into passive.

1. Pranee has been writing the report since 7 a.m. this morning.

2. Did the servant polish Tom’s shoes?

3. The teacher gave me a book yesterday.

4. The mechanic repairs cars.

5. Will Pranee invite Somchai to her party?

6. No one likes this picture.

7. They are going to widen the bridge.

8. Do not break the glass.

9. By next year they’ll have been building that road for a year.

10. Did you tell them?

Lesson 2 : Conjunction

EXERCISE - CONJUNCTIONSFill in the blanks with these words: although, and, because, but, or, since, so, unless, until, when.

§ 1 Things were different _____ I was young.

Things were different when I was young.

§ 2 I do it _____ I like it.

I do it because I like it.

§ 3 Let us wait here _____ the rain stops.

Let us wait here until the rain stops.

§ 4 You cannot be a lawyer _____ you have a law degree.

You cannot be a lawyer unless you have a law degree.

§ 5 That was years _____ years ago.

That was years and years ago.

§ 6 She has not called _____ she left last week.

She has not called since she left last week.

§ 7 I saw him leaving an hour _____ two ago.

I saw him leaving an hour or two ago.

§ 8 This is an expensive _____ very useful book.

This is an expensive but very useful book.

§ 9 We were getting tired _____ we stopped for a rest.

We were getting tired so we stopped for a rest.

§ 10 He was angry _____ he heard when happened.

He was angry when he heard when happened.

§ 11 Walk quickly _____ you will be late.

Walk quickly or you will be late.

§ 12 He had to retire _____ of ill health.

He had to retire because of ill health.

§ 13 We will go swimming next Sunday _____ it's raining.

We will go swimming next Sunday unless it's raining.

§ 14 I heard a noise _____ I turned the light on.

I heard a noise so I turned the light on.

§ 15 Would you like a coffee _____ tea?

Would you like a coffee or tea?

§ 16 Do you know _____ she will arrive?

Do you know when she will arrive?

§ 17 _____ the car is old it still runs well.

Although the car is old it still runs well.

§ 18 Do you want a pen _____ a bit of paper?

Do you want a pen and a bit of paper?

§ 19 I would like to go _____ I am too busy.

I would like to go but I am too busy.

§ 20 She will die _____ the doctors operate immediately.

She will die unless the doctors operate immediately.