MICRO Project - Enhancing Competitiveness of Micro enterprises in Rural Areas
MICRO Project - Enhancing Competitiveness of Micro enterprises in Rural Areas
MICRO Introduction
In the EU, micro-enterprises represent the vast majority of businesses and are also the main sourceof employment: most companies in EU are micro enterprises with less than 10 employees. Often runby the owner, micro-enterprises employ around one third of the total EU workforce. Yet, EU micro-enterprises are the most exposed to the economic and financial crisis currently affecting the EU as awhole: market access, decreasing demand and limited access to finance are undermining EU micro-enterprises’ competitiveness and ability to grow. In addition, micro-enterprises tend to remain“local” and seldom operate outside their national boundaries, notwithstanding the opportunitiesprovided by the EU Single Market where they can operate without any barrier: this not only limitstheir growth but also undermines the realisation of the EU Single Market. Recent studies and datashow also that micro-enterprises’ competitiveness is undermined by their slow adoption of ICTtools: “SMEs Going Digital”, EU Working Document, 2013; “ICT usage in enterprises” Eurostat, 2013.Most importantly, In “Identification of Future Skills Needs in Micro And Craft-Type Enterprises Up To2020”, DG Enterprise, 2011, the EU Commission calls with urgency for the “development of tools andskills trainings structures with a special focus on micro and craft-type enterprises” to empower themto fully participate in the EU Single Market. In Oct. 2015, the European Economic and Social Committee report Continuing education andtraining (CVET) in rural areas stresses how “… there is a requirement to develop new CVET for microand small businesses (SMEs) based on empirical evidence of the tasks that are actually carried out inthese businesses”. In this context, the objective of MICRO PROJECT is to support the growth and competitiveness of EUmicro-enterprises through innovative training solutions to accelerate their adoption of ICT tools andapplications to increase their participation in the EU Single Market and promote cross-bordertransactions. PROJECT will develop adequate training solutions and practical tools to strengthen thecapacity of existing micro-enterprises to strive in the current economic environment. PROJECT catersalso to those entrepreneurs-to-be who see in ICT tools and applications a viable option to start theirown businesses in an EU context.MICRO Introduction
Web link - http://www.microsmetraining.eu/index.php
MICRO European Comparative Report 20 June2017.pdf
MICRO European Comparative Report
MICRO European Comparative Report
Module No 1: Accessing Leader Funds - with Voice Overs
MICRO_Unit 0 Accessing LEADER Funds_Voice Overs.pptx
Module No 1: Marketing/Promotion & E-Commerce
Module No 1 Unit 1 Marketing.pptx
Module No 1 Unit 2 Promotion of products.ppt
Module No 1 Unit 3 E Commerce.pptx
Module No 1 Unit 4 Omnichannel strategies and types of ecommerce.ppt
Module 2: Business plan, Budgeting and Management Skills
Module No.2_UNIT 1 - Planing of operations in business.pptx
Module No.2_UNIT 2 - Budgeting.pptx
Module No.2_UNIT 3 - Monitoring in implementation of business plan.pptx
Module No.2_UNIT 4 - Business managment esentials.pptx
Module 3: Financial Management in Micro-Enterprises
Module No 3 Unit 1 Cash Essentials.pptx
Module No 3 Unit 2 Working with banks.pptx
Module No 3 Unit 3 Cost Reduction.ppt
Module No 3 Unit 4 Budgeting.ppt
Module 4: EU Programme Awareness/Grants for Rural Micro-Enterprise
Module No 4 Unit 1 - Accessing LEADER Funding.pptx
Module No 4 Unit 2 - EU Programmes.pptx
Module No 4 Unit 3 - Idea to project.pptx
Module No 4 Unit 4 - Funding Application.pptx
Module 5: Access to Non-Grant Finance for Micro-Enterprises in Rural Areas
Module No.5_UNIT 1 - Private sources of finance for a microenterprises.pptx
Module No.5_UNIT 2 Basic for a bankable project.pptx
Module No.5_UNIT 3 - Debt instruments.pptx
Module No.5_Unit 4 Crowdfunding.pptx
Module 6: Building Capacity in Rural Micro-Enterprises
Module No 6 - Unit 1 Networks as a tool for capacity building.pptx
Module No 6 - Unit 2 Basic Toolkit for building Networks.pptx
Module No 6 - Unit 3 Strategies for Enterprises Cooperating.pptx
Module No 6 - Unit 4 Roles that Enhance Capacity.pptx
Module 7: Pathways2market & Customer Identification
Module No 7 - Unit 1 Customer Identification.pptx
Module No 7 - Unit 2 Market Identification.pptx
Module No 7 - Unit 3 Online Selling Channels.pptx
Module No 7 - Unit 4 After Sales.ppt
Module 8: EU Single Market Opportunities for Rural Micro-Enterprises
Module No 8 Unit 1 The EU Single Market in a nutshell.pptx
Module No 8 Unit 2 How to tap into the EU Single Market.pptx
Module No 8 Unit 3 Using COSME and other EU financial Instruments.pptx
Module 9: ICT Literacy for Rural Micro-Enterprises
Module No 9 - Unit 1 Basic ICT Tools.pptx
Module No 9 - Unit 2 Signposting ICT software.pptx
Module No 9 - Unit 3 Online Tools for Farmers.pptx
Module No 9 - Unit 4 - Website Creation.pptx
Module 10: EU Wide Tools and Resources for Rural Micro-Enterprise Development
Module No 10 Unit 1 The EU Small Business Act.pptx
Module No 10 Unit 2 Sources and Resources I.pptx
Module No 10 Unit 3 Sources and Resources II.pptx
Module No 10 Unit 4 Real Life examples.ppt