CREATE: Competitive Regions and Employability of Adults Through Education.

The overall objective of CREATE is to enhance the performance and efficiency of Adult Education

(AE) by intervening at systemic level at the nexus between EU Policy (EU2020) and implementation

on the ground, i.e. regions tasked with policy formulation and implementation of education

programmes. The EU recognises the need to act at local level for better coordination and policy

planning, including the various sources of funding.

CREATE originates from the need to identify and exploit success factors that improve effectiveness

and impact of AE to reduce geographic disparities in educational opportunities and outcomes across

and within EU regions. The outcome of CREATE will enhance policy formulation and promote

evidence-based AE policy and practice. The outcome of CREATE will further align strategy, policy and

funding of AE.


a) Benchmark and comparatively assess AE policies for regional development

b) Extrapolate best practices, lessons learned, effective policy options and tools

c) Build CREATE ToolBox for policy makers on how to embed AE in regional economic development


CREATE main results are the:

1. CREATE network, platform and virtual community for enhanced cooperation between regional

authorities to promote development of adult education systems and their integration in

local/regional development

2. CREATE ToolBox for closer alignment of adult education to economic development strategies at

regional level


CREATE Adult Education Managers Survey.pdf

CREATE Adult Education Managers Survey

The purpose of this survey is to identify tools/resources (e.g. guidelines, checklists, case studies,

resource packs, standard procedures, area wide methods, online datasets, or other) that assist

organisations/agencies in effective adult education policy making, programming,

implementation, and funding at the most local level.

Further, the survey seeks your recommendation of networks/platforms that enhance collaboration

between agencies, sectors, regions and countries to improve the effectiveness of adult


CREATE O2 Project Report Final 12 Oct 2018.pdf

CREATE Project Report

Policy Assessment and Mapping of Policy Tools


Policy tools and resources in support of regional/local policy makers.

CREATE ToolBox is developed with a view to ensure that local and regional policy makers

from across Europe will be able to use the policy tools to better plan, design, implement and

monitor Adult Education policies with a clear vision of sustainability of public funding in AE.

The CREATE ToolBox will comprise a series of practical tools for policy makers to ensure

evidence-based policy making and better align AE policies and programmes with local socio-

economic development. The CREATE ToolBox will be made available for free in 7 different

language versions to ensure the widest visibility and adoption.

The CREATE ToolBox contains policy tools and resources in support of regional/local policy

makers to formulate better and more relevant Adult Education and Training solutions and

programmes. The CREATE ToolBox will also allow regional/local policy makers to better align

and integrate AE interventions with local economic development strategies.

Web link:

CREATE O2 Project Report Final 12 Oct 2018.pdf

Guidelines for Toolbox