Mt. Pleasant

  • Distance: 15.0 mi (24.2 km)
  • Elevation gain: 1461 ft (445 m)
  • Hilliness: 97 ft/mi (18 m/km)
  • Moving time:
    • C pace: 1:15
    • B pace: 1:04
    • A pace: 0:56

This route is a perfect way to get some serious elevation in a short amount of time. It is short enough to be squeezed into a busy day of work or school, yet intense enough to sweat and suffer.


The climbing starts at the end of Stevenson Rd, although the gradient really kicks up once you turn onto Mt. Pleasant Rd. The first half mile of Mt. Pleasant Rd is brutal with an average gradient of over 10% and regularly hovering above 15%. Fortunately, you’re rewarded with a well-deserved flat section, before the gradient kicks up again. Be aware that there are a bunch of false summits before finally reaching the top.

Once you finally reach the actually summit, the observatory, the lack of trees, and the beautiful view at the top make you feel like you have just climbed a real mountain. When continuing on Mt. Pleasant Rd, the road quickly descends, only to kick up again soon after. The top of this extra incline may be mistaken for the summit when standing on the real one, but don’t worry, that last incline is not as steep as it looks. From there, the road truly starts to descend.

The descent is almost three miles long, but its gradients are mellow. From there, Ellis Hollow Creek Rd brings you back to Ithaca without any major hills.


Mt. Pleasant Rd does not have very much traffic. However, when there are cars, they go fast, so beware. Ellis Hollow Creek Rd sees a little more traffic than Mt. Pleasant Rd, but its speed limit is lower. There is no shoulder.


Mt. Pleasant Rd passes through a mixture of woods and fields. There is a beautiful view of all the surrounding hills at the top. Ellis Hollow Creek Rd is mostly surrounded by vegetation that may limit your views but turns beautifully green during the summer months.


Mt. Pleasant 👉

  • Category: 3
  • Distance: 2.85 mi (2.99 km)
  • Elevation difference: 820 ft (259 m)
  • Average gradient: 5.4%
  • Summit elevation: 1752 ft (534 m)


Mt. Pleasant

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