Genung and Miller

  • Distance: 18.6 mi (26.8 km)
  • Elevation gain: 2039 ft (621 m)
  • Hilliness: 123 ft/mi (23 m/km)
  • Moving time:
    • C pace: 1:33
    • B pace: 1:20
    • A pace: 1:10

This route goes up one of Ithaca's most beautiful and one of Ithaca's most brutal hills. This challenging combination is one of the hilliest routes on this website.


After a short stretch on Ellis Hollow Creek Rd, you encounter your first hill, Genung Rd. The first part of this hill is a 0.8 mile stretch of false flat of about 4%. Only once you cross Ellis Hollow Rd does the gradient kick up. Genung Rd is a beautiful narrow road that winds through a scenic dark forest. Snyder Hill Rd follows the crest of the hill before you descend on Landon Rd. The descent ends at a stop sign in front of Route 79, so be prepared to brake. Once you’re back down, you pass through Brooktondale where you can rest and refuel at Brookton’s Market.

The next hill is a real brute. Miller Rd is one of the toughest hills around Ithaca. This hill may never get extremely steep, but it is long and it’s average gradient is one of the highest you will find. You already start to climb a little bit on Caroline Depot Rd, but the climbing really starts once you cross Coddington Rd onto Miller Rd.

After some rolling terrain, you are rewarded for your big climbing effort with a nice descent. Once you cross Six Mile Creek, however, you immediately start climbing again back to East Hill Plaza. The climb ends on the Vincent and Hannah Pew Trail, a paved trail that passes through a mixture of fields and forests. This trail is also featured in the Three Trails route.


Almost all the roads on this route are very lightly traveled. There are no major stretches on busy roads.


There are will be scenic views every way you look. Keep your eyes open and look around at all the surrounding hills.


Genung 👉

  • Category: 4
  • Distance: 1.04 mi (1.67 km)
  • Elevation difference: 349 ft (106 m)
  • Average gradient: 6.3%
  • Summit elevation: 1293 ft (394 m)

Miller 👉

  • Category: 3
  • Distance: 1.61 mi (2.59 km)
  • Elevation difference: 713 ft (217 m)
  • Average gradient: 8.4%
  • Summit elevation: 1481 ft (451 m)
Genung and Miller

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