Profit bot for online roulette

profit bot for online roulette

Profit-bot automatically makes bets in the roulette game. It's strategy is very simple: stop the game at the first plus on a deposit and restart the game closing client window. Deposit sum oscillate near the zero level and will be as lower as higer zero. Stopping the game above zero will finish the game with a profit. Profit-bot configuration is also simple: just edit the text config file using the AutoIt Window Info Tool determining coordinates in the roulette client window. Bot will use this coordinates to recognize round numbers and to click buttons automatically.

Profit-bot can give you +100% (x2) increase of deposite in the roulette but you must stop playing on that and change the casino due to big winning protection of casino. All you do while botting is opening roulette window, starting bot, watching the game and closing roulette window after the bot stopped. Then reopen roulette window of a casino and restart the bot.

Profit-bot price if $ 35. Please write email to to ask and buy the bot!