Waiting for Garbo developmental Workshop


Back Then? Curious Creations first show was a one act version of Garbo with a company of emerging artists who toured to the amazing Edinburgh Festival in Scotland. Audiences loved the funny, irreverent, poignant, whimsical, clever and thought-provoking show and the superb performances by a group who really made you care about their lives - and ultimately about yours! They loved that the play was written, like its subject matter, in the spirit of recycling: repurposing scenes and dialogue from video, plays, public lectures and more.

What now? Waiting for Garbo - The Musical. We realized that we had landed upon a style that encouraged people to pay attention to our social message - and the show could be made even better by writing a full-length musical with an original score. An original Canadian musical with a purpose.

Do Something About It! Heat-domes, atmospheric rivers, landslides and tornados make it urgent to face up to the effects of plastic pollution and consumerism on climate change - to inspire our neighbours to make changes to their consumer habits. Ocean plastic is projected to quadruple by 2040; plastic pollution is not just an ocean issue, it is a climate issue.

Greta Thunberg says, "They keep saying that it is an existential threat but do very little about it."

What Are We Waiting For? Our goal has been supported by many artists who have helped in the creation of the work. You know who you are and we are grateful. The full-length musical is now ready to show, to sing out that society can’t recycle its way out of a consumer-driven existential crisis.

Have we encountered obstacles? You bet. Our artists have worked on Zoom, in masks, the show has had to be postponed (Covid!!!). But theatres are open and Mother Nature can’t wait.

How Can You Help? Many of you have helped us already with your time, talent and encouragement. Some of you we just haven’t asked yet!

  • Your financial support can help cover some of the costs of producing Waiting for Garbo in the Spring of 2022. Contribute to the actors' stipends and the productions costs. C

  • You can also help us by sharing our campaign with your “crowd” to help us find funding.

  • Another way you can help is by becoming a member of Curious Creations Theatre Society .