Support and Membership

Want to make a difference? Join our team!

"Art influences society by changing opinions, instilling values and translating experiences across space and time. ... Art in this sense is communication; it allows people from different cultures and different times to communicate with each other via images, sounds and stories. Art is often a vehicle for social change."


By becoming a member of Curious Creations Theatre Society you can help us create entertaining theatre with a social conscience.

There are two membership plans to choose from.


Become a member by performing volunteer hours for Curious Creations at Presentation House Theatre. Curious Creations is a member of the PHT Creative Hub.

The intention of the HUB is to reduce barriers for performing arts creators to engage in artistic exploration and creation that is ultimately geared towards public presentation. Most importantly, the HUB is a home for the arts, a mutually-supportive community of artists who feel a sense of connection to PHT and one another.


Become an annual member by contributing a minimum of $20 to Curious Creations fundraising campaign.


MEMBERSHIP VOLUNTEER: Become an annual member by sending your name and email address to

MEMBERSHIP by DONATION: Click the "Contribute" button to visit our current fundraising campaign.