
Below is a list of the student/mentor pairs. Follow this link to see the final posters. 


Below is a list of the mentors and their initial project proposals.

Oren Bassik


I am interested in numerical methods, linear algebra, PDEs, and related algorithms, as well as interactions with more "symbolic" fields like algebra and geometry. 


Oren's Project Descriptions:

1) Approximation Theory and Approximation Practice

"Approximation" as a concept shows up everywhere in mathematics and computing.  Power series, Fourier series, and even epsilon-delta proofs in calculus are all examples; most algorithms for quadrature, lossy compression, or even machine learning are essentially attempts at approximating complicated functions by simpler ones.  Using Trefethen's "Approximation Theory and Approximation Practice", this project will explore "best" and "near-best" approximations with polynomials, trigonometric functions, and possibly rational functions, encountering applications along the way.

Reference: Lloyd Trefethen, "Approximation Theory and Approximation Practice", and possibly some textbook material for Fourier series.

Prerequisites:  Calculus, some Complex analysis, and ideally some programming background (any language is ok.) 

2) Numerical Solution of Differential Equations

Differential equations are one of the main tools used by scientists and engineers to model and simulate the physical world.  Their numerical solution is a field unto itself; this project will begin at the beginning (the Euler method for ODEs) and proceed from there.  Depending on the interest of the reader, the focus could involve implementing specific solvers, understanding convergence/error analysis, or a broad overview of many different methods for many different problems.

References: Burden, Faires, & Burden, "Numerical Analysis", and possibly other texts and online sources as necessary.

Prerequisites:  Calculus and brief exposure to ordinary differential equations.  With more background we can go deeper.  Experience programming or with Matlab opens many more options.

Yosef Berman


Experimental mathematics 


Yosef's Project Descriptions:

1) "Ideals, Varieties, and Algorithms" by Cox, Little, and O'Shea

I would like to read through Ch. 1-4 of "Ideals, Varieties, and Algorithms" by Cox, Little, and O'Shea. In addition to working through the problems, I would like to help the student implement the algorithms described (such as Euclidean Algorithm, Gaussian Elimination, and Buchberger's Algorithm, etc). I would like them to find a project which has both computational and mathematical elements.

Prerequisites: N/A

2) "A=B" by Petrovsek, Wilf, and Zeilberger

Read Ch. 5 of "Concrete Mathematics" by Graham, Knuth, and Patashnik. If there is time, read "A=B" by Petrovsek, Wilf, and Zeilberger. The first text introduces many binomial identities and introduces some techniques for automated theorem proving. The second does more on automated theorem proving. In addition to introducing the reader to the material, I would like to help the student implement the algorithms described. 

Prerequisites: N/A

Megha Bhat


Low Dimensional Topology, Geometry


Megha's Project Descriptions:

1) Differential Topology 

We will try to understand the basics of differential topology, the concept of a derivative and a tangent space, and work our way through famous results such as Sard's theorem, which paves the way for the existence of Morse theory, and the Borsuk-Ulam theorem. The aim is to get an intuitive picture of manifolds, and to learn the techniques and machinery necessary for problem-solving, proofs and research in topology. 

Reference: V. Guillemin, A. Pollack, "Differential Topology" 

Prerequisites: Point-set topology 

2) Morse Theory 

We can use certain differentiable functions on a manifold to sketch its shape and study its topology. Morse theory is a tool used in many important proofs in the study of manifolds, for instance the classification of all closed 2-manifolds. We will take a visual look at Morse functions and the foundations of Morse theory, and see it in action in a few famous proofs. 

References: L.I. Nicolaescu, "An Invitation to Morse Theory"; J. Milnor, "Morse Theory" 

Prerequisites: Point-set topology 

3) Knot Theory 

Knot theory is an old area of mathematics that is nevertheless very active in current research. Many problems can be understood visually and intuitively, and do not require heavy mathematical machinery. We will look at knots and knot invariants and try to understand some problems that still puzzle knot theorists. 

Reference: C. Adams, "The Knot Book" 

Prerequisites: None 

4) Basic Algebraic Geometry 

Modern algebraic geometry is deeply intertwined with algebraic number theory and heavily laden with category theory. We will attempt to learn algebraic geometry in a more visual and topological manner, with far fewer prerequisites. 

Reference: K.E. Smith et al, "An Invitation to Algebraic Geometry" 

Prerequisites: Point-set topology, linear algebra, some familiarity with ring theory will be useful

Jason Block


I mainly study mathematical logic. In particular, I study computability theory which is the study of how "complicated" things are based on how much information is needed to compute them. After logic, my second favorite subject is algebra. In fact, my favorite topics to look at are those that combine logic and algebra. That said, I enjoy all areas of math and am happy to mentor a project on any topic!


Jason's Project Descriptions:

1) Godel's First Incompleteness Theorem via the Halting Problem

Godel's first incompleteness theorem is one of the most striking results in all of mathematics. It states that no decidable set of axioms will ever be sufficient for proving all true mathematical statements. In other words, there exist mathematical statements that are true, but for which there can be no proof.  The halting problem is a result from computer science which states that there is no algorithm for deciding if a given computer program will ever give an output. In this project, we will take an in depth look at these results, and see how Godel's first incompleteness theorem can be proved as a result of the undecidability of the halting problem. 

Reference: George Boolos, John P. Burgess, and Richard Jeffrey, "Computability and Logic"

Prerequisites:  At least one proof based course

2) An Exploration of Infinity

An open ended inquiry into ideas related to infinity. Topics could include the different levels of infinity, famous paradoxes relating to infinity, and anything else that these questions lead us too. The directions we go will depend on the level of background as well as the interests of the mentee.

References: George Boolos, John P. Burgess, and Richard Jeffrey, "Computability and Logic"

Prerequisites: None


I think about problems in dynamical systems, statistics and machine learning. A lot of my own research focuses on methods that can be applied to neuroscience, and using those problems as inspiration for new mathematical techniques. 


Kurt's Project Descriptions:

1) Evolutionary Processes 

Many natural systems are described by a set of ordinary differential equations. But once written, what do these equations tell us? Arnold's ODEs is a classic text that is both friendly but also introduces deeper topics like diffeomorphisms and smooth manifolds. 

Reference: V. I. Arnold, "Ordinary Differential Equations" 

Prerequisites: Some elementary coursework in real analysis and linear algebra. 

2) Probabilistic Properties of Deterministic Systems 

Chaos theory and dynamical systems are extremely important in applications, but when studying natural systems we often encounter plenty of noise, randomness and uncertainty. In this project, we will study how probability theory and dynamics interact, and we'll encounter several interesting connections to ergodic theory, linear algebra and fractals. 

Reference: Andrzej Lasota and Michael Mackey, "Chaos, Fractals and Noise" 

Prerequisites: Some experience in proofs and real analysis will be important. (If you have never seen measure theory before, we can build it up as we go.) 

3) Information Theory and Machine Learning 

Historically, information theory was developed in order to determine how to encode messages for communication. In modern times, information theory appears all over applied mathematics, and in this project we investigate why. We will introduce some classical information and coding theory, and we'll use that background to more deeply understand modern machine learning and statistical methods. 

Reference: David MacKay, "Information Theory, Inference and Learning Algorithms" 

Prerequisites: Some calculus and probability theory is greatly preferred.


Low Dimensional Topology, Geometry


1. Geometric Group Theory
2. Hyperbolic Surfaces & Teichmüller Theory
3. Knot Theory!

Bug on Notes of Thurston, by Jeffrey Brock and David Dumas.

Yassin's Project Descriptions:

1) Geometric Group Theory

We can study the symmetries of a geometric object abstractly as a group. We can in turn, turn this group of symmetries into a geometric object itself allowing us to use geometric techniques to study algebraic questions.

Reference: Matt Clay, Dan Margalit, "Office Hours with a Geometric Group Theorist".

Prerequisites: No prerequisites, but at least one proof based course is recommended. 

2) Hyperbolic Surfaces & Teichmüller Theory

Not only can we study the shape of a space, we can in fact study an associated "space of shapes". This beautiful subject can be approached from a number of view points (analysis, low dimensional topology, algebraic geometry, etc.) and incorporates a rich variety of ideas. We'll approach our study from the perspectives of hyperbolic geometry and low dimensional topology.

Reference: Richard Schwarz, "Mostly Surfaces"

Prerequisites: Calculus and some complex analysis are preferred. Even better if you've taken some courses in abstract algebra. These are optional and we can approach this subject from all levels. 

3) Knot Theory!

Despite being an old area of study, many of the most exciting results in knot theory have happened in the past 30 years. There are incredibly deep connections with geometry and topology in dimensions 2 and 3, as well as applications to physics and chemistry. Knot theory remains a very active field of study. Many arguments are visual, and a lot can be done without first establishing a lot of fancy technical machinery. 

Reference: Colin Adams, "The Knot Book"

Prerequisites: None.

Christine Chang 


Probabilistic Number theory, Analytic Number Theory 


The Sublime Primes

Christine's Project Description:

The Sublime Primes 

Prime numbers are the beautiful, mysterious, and seemingly random building blocks of arithmetic; their distribution is intricately connected to Bernhard Riemann’s hypothesis — a fundamental, yet unsolved math problem. We will look at some of the history and ideas that led Riemann to his famous conjecture.

References:  Barry Mazur and William Stein, “Primes and The Riemann Hypothesis”; Jeffrey Stopple, “A Primer of Analytic Number Theory: From Pythagoras to Riemann”

Prerequisites: At least one course requiring proofs. A course in complex analysis is strongly recommended; some familiarity with Fourier Analysis is preferred, but not required. The main reference book is accessible to a wide range of learners; students may choose topics according to comfort level. 

Pranav Chinmay


Probability, mathematical physics


1. Statistical mechanics and the Ising model of ferromagnetism
2. Measure-theoretic probability
3. Probability and Machine Learning 

Pranav's Project Descriptions

1) Statistical mechanics and the Ising model of ferromagnetism 

Systems with very large numbers of particles (for instance, a gas in a closed container, or a piece of iron placed in a magnetic field) can exhibit uniform, predictable behaviours despite their complexity. The field of statistical mechanics, instituted in the late 19th century, studies this remarkable fact. It provides a firm grounding to standard physical concepts such as temperature and entropy. One of its earliest and most celebrated applications is the Ising model of ferromagnetism. Mathematically, it is a model of interacting magnetic spins on a lattice. Physically, it describes how a piece of iron can be magnetised and made to stick to your fridge door. Our project will be to study some of the basic concepts in statistical mechanics and work toward describing and understanding the Curie-Weiss and/or Ising models. 

Reference: Statistical Mechanics of Lattice Systems. Sacha Friedli and Yvan Velenik. 

Prerequisites: Multivariable calculus is necessary. Thermal physics is a plus. Probability is a plus.

2) Measure-theoretic probability 

Probability is a classical subject: the proof of the weak law of large numbers was first given by Jacob Bernoulli in 1713, shortly after the invention of calculus. However, classical probability is restricted to the analysis of finitely many discrete events. The modern, all-purpose formulation of probability involves measure theory, which was only invented in the early 20th century. In this project, we will study measure-theoretic probability, aiming to understand and interpret classical results such as the laws of large numbers and the central limit theorem from this perspective. 

Reference: "Probability and Measure". Billingsley. 

Prerequisites: Calculus and proof-writing are necessary, a basic course in probability is a plus. 

3) Probability and Machine Learning 

The goal of this project will be to introduce the basic mathematical tools required to start studying statistical learning methods. The focus will be on probability. Depending on the background and interests, we could focus on the mathematical prerequisites or on simple and/or more advanced models. 

References: "Machine Learning: a Probabilistic Perspective". Murphy; "Elements of Statistical Learning". Hastie, Tibshirani, Friedman 

Nathaniel Kingsbury


Number Theory


Number Theory

Nathaniel's Project Description:

Number Theory

Did you know that an odd prime number is the sum of two square numbers if and only if it leaves a remainder of 1 when divided by 4? Or that the number of primes less than some big number N is roughly N/log(N), where “log” denotes the natural logarithm? Have you ever wondered why that old “sum up the digits” trick detects divisibility by 3 and 9? Or been fascinated by the twin primes conjecture, the Goldbach conjecture, or the Collatz conjecture? These are all examples of questions and results from a branch of math known as number theory -- the study of properties and patterns of the natural numbers.

Modern number theory uses all sorts of tools to study these sorts of problems, from things like modular arithmetic, which a middle schooler could understand, to fancy tools from modern math like abstract algebra and complex analysis. In this broad and flexible project, we would focus on some part of number theory that you want to learn, and work through a textbook on the subject aimed at your level. For instance, we could discuss relatively elementary ideas such as modular arithmetic and divisibility, and how creative applications of these ideas are used in math competitions and in cryptography. We could learn about the p-adic numbers, which are a family of number systems different from the real numbers, where we can use calculus to do number theory, like finding integers x such that x^2-2 is divisible by a high power of 7. We could do a detailed study of how fancy tools from modern algebra or complex analysis let us prove special cases of Fermat’s last theorem or the Prime Number Theorem. We could even learn about some more “up-and-coming” tools, like Sieve Theory or Modular Forms, that have been used in recent breakthroughs. Or, if you have something else in number theory you want to learn that’s not listed here, I can mentor you through studying that.

References: G. H. Hardy and W. E. Wright, “An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers;” Neil Koblitz, “A Course in Number Theory and Cryptography;” John Conway, “The Sensual (Quadratic) Form;” Fernando Gouvêa , “p-adic Numbers;” G. J. O. Jameson, “The Prime Number Theorem;” Daniel Marcus: “Number Fields;” Stewart and Tall: “Algebraic Number Theory and Fermat’s Last Theorem;” Cojocaru and Murty, “An Introduction to Sieve Methods and their Applications;” Hester Graves, M. Ram Murty, and Michael Dewar, “Problems in the Theory of Modular Forms.”

Prerequisites: Whether you just love math and are ready to study mathematical proofs, have taken a semester or two each of real analysis, complex analysis, and abstract algebra, or are somewhere in between, I have ideas for a project at your level.

Joshua Meisel


Logic, Computability Theory


Joshua's Project Description:

1. Computability and Logic 

Computability theory is the study of what algorithms computers (and presumably then, humans) are capable of carrying out. These algorithms are executed by Turing Machines, invented by Alan Turing in 1936, which led to the development of the modern computer. Depending on the student’s interests, we will cover Turing machines, Gödel's incompleteness theorems (a stunning result showing that some mathematical facts are unprovable), Turing degrees, and algorithmic randomness. 

References: Computability and Logic by George Boolos and/or Computability Theory by Rebecca Weber 

Prerequisites: None, but any background with proof-based math or logic is helpful. 

2. Set Theory 

Set theory was developed to make math formal and to attempt to shield it from paradoxes. All other branches of math can be constructed within set theory. Set theory also allows us to explore the different sizes of infinity (the “infinity of infinities,” or “Cantor’s paradise”). We will look at the small set of axioms known as ZFC from which virtually all of modern math stems from. 

Reference: Introduction to Set Theory by Hrbáček and Jech 

Prerequisites: None, but any background with proof-based math or logic is helpful.


Low-dimensional topology, geometry


Sayantika's Project Descriptions:

1) Topics in low-dimensional topology 

Possible topics include knot theory, surgery on three-manifolds, Floer theory, and hyperbolic geometry. 

References: Will depend on the topic and discussion with the student. Some standard references for introduction to some of these topics are: 

Not a mathematician and want to know what research in topology means ? Check out this page: https://web.stanford.edu/~cm5/topology.html 

Prerequisites: Basic undergrad math courses. 

2) Topics in contact geometry 

Possible topics include Legendrian and transverse knot theory and contact geometry in three-manifolds. 

References: Introductory Lectures on Contact Geometry by Etnyre (https://arxiv.org/abs/math/0111118v2)

Prerequisites: Point set Topology, some Algebraic topology and Differential geometry. 

3) Surface mapping class groups 

The symmetries of a manifold are described by its mapping class group, and the mapping class group (MCG) of a surface is a particularly important object. Possible topics include the finite presentations of MCG of finite type surfaces by generators and relations, and their construction, MCGs of infinite type surfaces. 

References: A primer on Mapping Class Groups by Benson and Farb

Prerequisites: Point set topology 


I am a PhD mathematics student at the CUNY Graduate Center advised by Andrew Obus and Dennis Sullivan. My interests span a menagerie of mathematical ideas, e.g. algebraic and arithmetic geometry, and more specifically, the problem of resolution of singularities, regular models of curves, and the topology of algebraic varieties. On the applied side of mathematics, I find quantum computation fascinating, and dabble in machine learning & artificial intelligence, applied linear algebra & tensor networks, and the satisfiability problem. 


1. Introduction to Commutative Algebra with a View Toward Algebraic Geometry
2.  Topics in (Arithmetic &) Algebraic Geometry
3. Quantum Computation

James' Project Descriptions:

1. Introduction to Commutative Algebra with a View Toward Algebraic (& Arithmetic) Geometry

Description: The title of the projects nods to (and is the title of) David Eisenbud's book leading us up the spire of commutative algebra prerequisite to appreciate algebraic (& arithmetic) geometry. We will maintain an eye toward geometric considerations underlying the algebra throughout. A student carrying little to no prerequisite knowledge of (commutative) algebra may gain an appreciation of algebraic varieties, while a student far along in their study of (commutative) algebra may hope to gain an appreciation of the language of schemes à la Grothendieck by semester's end.

References: "Commutative Algebra with a View Toward Algebraic Geometry" by David Eisenbud. "An Invitation to Algebraic Geometry" by Karen Smith et al. (The first chapter of) "Algebraic Geometry" by Robin Hartshorne.

Prerequisites: Mathematical maturity and eagerness to learn should suffice — nearly everything can be developed as needed. However, completion of a course in abstract algebra, e.g. so the definition of a (commutative) ring is understood, is preferred.

2. Topics in (Arithmetic &) Algebraic Geometry

Description: We may study any of: 

References: Contingent on topic choice.

Prerequisites: Contingent on topic choice.

3. Quantum Computation

Description: This project aims to reaffirm the classical story of computation, and then augment it to the phantasmagorical world of quantum computation. Sufficiently advanced students might progress to implementing code for a famous quantum algorithm, e.g. Shor's algorithm, on a quantum computer in, e.g. a Jupyter Notebook.

References: "A Course in Quantum Computing (for the Community College) Volume I" by Michael Loceff.  "Quantum Computing: An Applied Approach" by Jack D. Hidary.

Prerequisites: Mathematical maturity and eagerness to learn should suffice — nearly everything can be developed as needed. However, completion of a course in linear algebra, e.g. so the definition of a basis of a vector space is understood, is preferred. 

Eunice Ng


Geometric Analysis


Curves, surfaces, and Gauss-Bonnet

Eunice's Project Description:

Curves, surfaces, and Gauss-Bonnet

Curvature is one of the most salient properties of curves and surfaces. There is both an extrinsic notion — curvature that measures how a surface twists in an ambient space — and an intrinsic notion — curvature that only depends on measurements taken "within" the surface. We'll learn the theory underlying the study of curves and surfaces, building up to the proof of the Gauss-Bonnet theorem. This theorem is an astonishing result relating the intrinsic curvature and geometry of a surface with its topology.

Reference: "Differential Geometry: Connections, Curvature, and Characteristic Classes" by Loring Tu 

Prerequisites: Familiarity with manifolds is preferred. Point-set topology, linear algebra is necessary. 

Michael Pallante


Algebra, Dynamical Systems 


Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos 

Michael's Project Descriptions:

Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos 

Dynamics is the subject that analyzes the behavior of systems that evolve over time. Chaos describes the behavior of systems that depend sensitively on initial conditions and thereby make long-term prediction impossible (as with the weather), despite being fully deterministic. Nevertheless, within the apparent randomness of chaotic systems one finds beautiful and unexpected patterns, often exhibiting a fractal structure. In this project, we will seek to develop a "dynamical view of the world" by examining a broad range of problems drawn from animal behavior, classical mechanics, ecology, evolutionary biology, evolutionary game theory, linguistics, chemistry, psychology and literature, macroeconomics, neuroscience, sociophysics, and more. 

Reference: Steven H. Strogatz, "Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos," 2nd edition. 

Prerequisites: Single variable calculus sequence. Some multivariable calculus, linear algebra, and introductory physics would be useful. 

Appu Panicker




Appu's Project Descriptions:

1) Complex Variables 

Calculus with complex variables may seem like it's more difficult than calculus with real variables, but it's actually the contrary. Calculus with complex variables is most often more streamlined and elegant than its real counterpart. This book approaches complex functions through the lens of harmonic functions, which effectively serves as a bridge between multivariable calculus and complex functions. The theory of harmonic functions will be developed first and will serve to motivate the parallel theory of complex functions.

Reference: Francis J. Flanigan, "Complex Variables: Harmonic and Analytic Functions"

Prerequisites: Single-variable calculus is essential. Multivariable calculus is strongly recommended; it will be reviewed at the beginning, but this may be too brief for a first encounter. A proofs-based course is lightly recommended; the proofs in this book, which are essential to the exposition, are not overly formal and thus are rather approachable. 

2) Fourier Analysis 

Fourier analysis is core to both the historical development of analysis and present day analysis. One only needs a glance at the Wikipedia page to see just how pervasive this subject is. This book develops the Fourier analysis from an elementary point of view, so one does not need a background in advanced areas such as complex analysis and Lebesgue integration. We’ll go through the genesis of Fourier analysis as it related to the study of partial differential equations, convergence and applications of Fourier series, and the Fourier transform. 

Reference: Elias Stein and Rami Shakarchi, "Fourier Analysis" 

Prerequisites: Proofs-based calculus, including epsilon-delta arguments, uniform convergence, a rigorous definition of the Riemann integral. These topics are usually found in an honors calculus course, advanced calculus course, or real analysis course.


I like shapes! If there’s a geometric way to understand and intuit a field of study, I’m always down to learn more about it. Usually, I like to study things associated to some kind of shape to learn more about it. For example, if I say that a shape that I have in mind has exactly 6 symmetries to it, it tells you a lot about what the shape might look like. There are many other mathematical constructions you can associate to a shape other than symmetries of varying complexity, and I like to think about how those different constructions can interact with each other. 


Taro's Project Descriptions:

1) Mostly Surfaces 

We'll go through the book Mostly Surfaces that has a bunch of collected topics on geometry and topology, mostly covering surfaces - which are shapes that locally look 2-dimensional, like the surface of the earth. We can decide how fast or how slow to go through the book depending on your comfort level. 

Reference: Richard Evan Schwartz, "Mostly Surfaces"

Prerequisites: Calculus would be good to know .

2) Visual Complex Analysis 

We'll go through the book, Visual Complex Analysis together. You might have seen calculus, which is all about understanding functions of the real numbers, and you can think of complex analysis as "calculus of complex numbers." Although it bears some resemblance to calculus, it is much more visual. We can decide how fast or how slow to go through the book depending on your comfort level. 

Reference: Tristan Needham, "Visual Complex Analysis"

Prerequisites: Calculus is a hard prerequisite. 

Connor Stewart


Algebra, Number Theory


Intro to Complex Dynamics 

Connor's Project Description:

Intro to Complex Dynamics 

Complex dynamics studies the orbits of points in the complex plane under iterates of holomorphic maps. We will introduce the Julia and Fatou sets of a map, as well as the famous Mandelbrot set, and study their properties. If time permits, we will read a short expository paper showing that the exponential map is chaotic. 

Reference: Notes by Lasse Rempe 

Prerequisites: Complex analysis and a proof-based real analysis course; some topology is useful 


(Bayesian) Machine Learning, Monte Carlo Methods, and Statistics 


1. Numerical Linear Algebra
2. Measure Theory and Filtering
3. Dynamic Programming/Reinforcement Learning 

Dan's Project Descriptions:

1) Numerical Linear Algebra 

Linear algebra and calculus form the basis for most of the applied mathematics one would ever want to do — however, we’re rarely taught the type of linear algebra that proves most useful in real-world problems. This reading project would seek to understand the basics of numerical linear algebra, mainly through the didactic Numerical Linear Algebra of Trefethen & Bau, with occasional reference to other texts as needed. 

References: Numerical Linear Algebra, Trefethen & Bau; Matrix Computations, Goloub & Van Loan. 

Prerequisites: (Proof-based) linear algebra. Some experience with programming and real analysis are both pluses. 

2) Measure Theory and Filtering 

Generally speaking, filtering is the task of determining a probability distribution of some “hidden” process X given some observations Y, which somehow depend on X. In this project, we would explore some of the classical notions of filtering in a measure-theoretic framework. If the student has not yet seen any measure theory/measure-theoretic probability, we’ll first spend considerable time with that formalism. If the student has seen measure theory and/or measure-theoretic probability, we can jump straight to filtering. 

Reference: Measure Theory and Filtering, Aggoun & Elliott. 

Prerequisites: Real analysis. Experience with measure theory and/or measure-theoretic probability is a plus. 

3) Dynamic Programming/Reinforcement Learning 

Dynamic programming is a sort of “mathematics of decision-making,” and has a rich mathematical and applied history. This project is very flexible based on the student’s interests and experience: we could take a theoretical flavor with or without measure theoretic concerns, an applied flavor for operations research, a theoretical analysis of reinforcement learning, or a hands-on reinforcement learning project. 

References: Depends on student interests. Possibilities include either volume of Dynamic Programming and Optimal Control by Bertsekas, Dynamic Programming and Reinforcement Learning by Bertsekas, Stochastic Optimal Control by Bertsekas & Shreve, and Algorithms of Reinforcement Learning by Szepesvari 

Prerequisites: Depends on student interests. For more theoretical projects, linear algebra, real analysis, and possibly some measure theory. For more applied projects, linear algebra and some programming experience. 

Ajmain Yamin


Number theory


Ajmain's Project Descriptions:

1) Galois Theory 

The familiar quadratic formula (-b ± √(b^2 - 4ac))/2a expresses the roots of a general quadratic polynomial ax^2 + bx + c in terms of its coefficients (a,b,c). Notably, it does so using only basic arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) and one extra operation called "square root". It turns out there are analogous cubic and quartic formulas, although the expressions themselves become extremely complicated. However, there is no such quintic formula. More precisely, there is no mathematical formula, involving only basic arithmetic operations and application of radicals (square roots, cube roots, etc.), that expresses the roots of a general degree five polynomial in terms of its coefficients. In this project we will learn Galois theory, which studies the symmetries of roots of polynomials, in order to learn why no such quintic formula can exist. 

References: Harold Edwards, "Galois Theory"; Jörg Bewersdorff, "Galois Theory for Beginners, A Historical Perspective" 

Prerequisites: No prerequisites, but at least one proof based course is recommended. 

2) Arithmetic Beyond Z 

Algebraic Number Theory is about number systems that go beyond the usual integers. For example, consider the Gaussian integers Z[i] which contains all numbers of the form a+bi where a,b are usual integers, and "i" is a new number whose square is equal to -1. Something interesting happens when we pass from the usual integers to the Gaussian integers. The number 5 stops being prime! See: 5 = (2+i)(2-i). This immediately raises several questions: which prime numbers in Z stop being prime in the Gaussian integers? What about other number systems such as Z[sqrt(2)]? Studying questions like these will be a major theme of this project, and the answers have important applications to natural questions about the usual integers. 

References: Paul Pollack, "A Conversational Introduction to Algebraic Number Theory: Arithmetic Beyond Z"; Daniel A Marcus, "Number Fields" 

Prerequisites: Linear Algebra, Group Theory, Ring Theory, Galois Theory 


Kurt Butler, Yassin Chandran, Vincent Martinez, Eunice Ng, and Ajmain Yamin.