Working Committees

CVR Committees

Our committees serve to keep the focus of Cumberland Valley Rising sharp and to ensure all needs and functions of the organization are met. Members are able to serve on as many committees as they'd like, and meetings are open to anyone interested. Members do not have to serve on committees to be involved. General members can attend general meetings, events, and any additional meetings they feel they have time to attend.

The membership and communications committee tracks membership information and handles public communications. The committee keeps track of member information and recruits new members, creates and disperses general marketing materials, manages social media accounts based on the best practices and protocol established by the steering committee, and coordinates closely with other committees.

The events committee coordinates closely with other committees to make sure external group events that CVR is participating in are also added to the calendar. The committee proposes and organized educational events to be hosted by CVR (such as video screenings, lectures, discussions, etc.), maintains the CVR calendar, and communicates with committees that identify external group events (such as Borough Council meetings, school board meetings, community events, etc.) and coordinate CVR's involvement.

The policy & advocacy committee identifies and takes action around policies and processes at the local, state, and federal levels that are relevant to CVR's mission. The committee researchers issues, notifies members and committees of issues that need CVR's support, and identifies ways for members to get involved. The committee focuses on building coalitions and partnering with local leaders and affected communities.

The elections and voting committee monitors activities, deadlines, rules, and other structural elements related to elections and voting. The committee coordinates with other committees to maintain an accurate calendar with respect to campaigns, elections, and voting, identifies and tasks important campaign events and activities, helps get out the vote efforts and helps in recruiting members to run for local and state office.

The Social Justice Education committee provides educational opportunities and social events for CVR members to connect and learn about responsibly becoming involved in Social Justice work. Established programs include two book groups and a documentary and discussion series. The committee is looking for help establishing training sessions and managing speaker engagements for main CVR meetings.