
In the following, you can find an overview of my current research at CNRS/TIMC Lab. and previous works covering my Ph.D. as well as my postdoctoral activities.

Research Scientist @ CNRS / TIMC Laboratory, Grenoble, France

Robots for Real World Interaction (BOOT)



Robots for Real World Interaction (BOOT) - Cross Disciplinary Programme | Université Grenoble Alpes 

Principal Investigators:

Prof. Olivier Aycard (GIPSA Lab), Grenoble

Prof. Laurent Bègue-Shankland (LIP/PC2S), Grenoble


September 2022 - August 2025

Funded by Université Grenoble Alpes

Neurotechnologies for functional rehabilitation (Grenoble-Neurotech)



Neurotechnologies for functional rehabilitation (Grenoble-Neurotech) - Cross Disciplinary Programme | Université Grenoble Alpes 

Principal Investigators:

Dr. Blaise Yvert (GIN), Grenoble

Prof. Edwige Bano (CROMA), Grenoble

Dr. Tetiana Aksenova (Clinatec), Grenoble

Prof. Mircea Polosan (CHUGA), Grenoble


September 2022 - August 2025

Funded by Université Grenoble Alpes

Cosserat Rod Theory for Slender Robots (COSSEROOTS)

Robotics is today experiencing a paradigmatic revolution. The “stiffer is better” of our rigid robots is challenged by a new generation of robots with controlled deformations of finite amplitudes. This is the case of trunk-robots in soft robotics, continuum robots in medical robotics or hyper-redundant eel/nake-robots in bio-inspired robotics. In contrast to the rigid elder sibling, this novel robotics lacks a solid and unified corpus of modelling tools for control. Building on a novel parametrization of the Cosserat theory of rods, COSSEROOTS aims at producing for the first time a comprehensive and unified corpus of methods and models devoted to the control of slender robots with actuated large deformations. Beyond modelling, COSSEROOTS will use these novel modelling tools to address challenging control problems in the fields of soft, medical, and bio-inspired robotics.


Principal Investigators:

Prof. Frédéric Boyer, Nantes

Dr. Gang Zheng, Lille

Dr. M. Taha Chikhaoui, Grenoble

Dr. Fabien Candelier, Marseille


November 2020 - June 2025

Funded by Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR), Grant ANR-20-CE33-0001

Dual-Arm Continuum Robots for Single-Port Interventions (DOORS)

In order to improve the performances and quality of surgical procedures and to reduce their invasiveness, continuum, flexible robots have been studied. Despite their inherent safety, collaborative usage of such robots was marginally investigated. Our goals are to develop original methods and innovative robotic structures that allow safe single-port access for surgical navigation and operation. Our approach builds upon a semi-autonomous system, allowing the clinicians to directly control the most critical part of the procedure, while the most tedious tasks are handled automatically via a control algorithm. This project aims to investigate this approach on a dual-arm continuum robotic structure and evaluate it on an in-vitro clinical scenario through long distance teleoperation. We will consolidate our collaboration with the first transatlantic continuum robot teleoperation.


Dual-Arm Continuum Robots for Single-Port Interventions (DOORS) - CNRS/U of Toronto 

Principal Investigators:

Dr. M. Taha Chikhaoui

Prof. Jessica Burgner-Kahrs


January - December 2020

Funded by the CNRS-U. of Toronto Joint Research Programme (PRC)

Continuum Robots in Clinical Applications: Prototypes and Simulation Environment

Medical Interventions (surgery, interventional radiology, radiotherapy) can provide a significant boost for progress in terms of patient-specific optimal planning and performance. To fulfill patient’s demand for Quality, Senior Operators demand to see beyond the immediately visible, to be assisted in their real-time vital decisions and to accede to enhanced dexterity, while junior operators request to “learn to fly” before being left alone, and Public Health Authorities and companies require demonstration of the Medical Benefit of innovations.

Computer Assisted Medical Interventions: A new perspective through the CAMI LABEX

The Computer Assisted Medical Interventions (CAMI) LABEX strategic vision is that an integrated approach of medical interventions will result in a breakthrough in terms of quality of medical interventions, demonstrated in terms of medical benefits and degree of penetration of CAMI technology in routine clinical practice.

The Mission of CAMI LABEX

CAMI LABEX proposes :

Enhanced, Augmented Dexterity

We are also interested in developing a continuum robotic platform by building millimeter-size robot prototypes for demonstration and investigations, as well as a simulation environment. The goal is to gather scientific researchers, clinical partners, and industrial partners together in a unique framework for know-how and know-why exchange. The Continuum Robotic Assisted Medical Interventions ToolKit (CoRAMI-TK) will be part of the ECCAMI (Excellence Center for Computer Assisted Medical Interventions) platform and integrated in CamiTK (Computer Assisted Medical Intervention Tool Kit) framework.


Scientific Coordinator:

Dr. Jocelyne Troccaz


September 2012 — September 2024

Funded by the Computer Assisted Medical Interventions (CAMI) LABEX (award ANR-11-LABX-0004-01) and the Multidisciplinary Institute in Artificial Intelligence (MIAI) Grenoble Alpes

Continuum Robotic Assisted Medical Interventions ToolKit (CoRAMITK) - INS2I-CNRS

Principal Investigator:

Dr. M. Taha Chikhaoui


May - December 2019

Funded by the Institute for Information Sciences and Technologies (INS2I) of the CNRS

Postdoctoral research @ Laboratory for Continuum Robotics, Hanover, Germany

Control of Millimeter-size Continuum Robots for Medical Applications:

My postdoctoral research was essentially focused on feedback control of miniaturized continuum robots (diameters below 10 mm). At this small scale, continuum robots are suitable for a wide range of medical applications where anatomy constraints, narrow paths, and safety requirements prevent standard rigid-linked robots to access and operate. Thus, I am interested in improving functionalities of medical robots by increasing the number of continuum arms accessing from a single endoscope's working channels. This concerns the integration of two collaborative Concentric Tube Continuum Robots and their automatic motion coordination. To this aim, the collaborative continuum arms were kinematically modeled as a single structure interacting with a virtual object. This approach allows to take advantage of the resulting redundancy in the combined system. Therefore, a suitable redundancy resolution allowed to automatically control the relative distance between the collaborative arms' end-effectors while following complex trajectories in 3D space [RAL-2018a].


PROCOPE project: ViSoR

Principal Investigator:

Dr. M. Taha Chikhaoui


January 1st, 2018 — December 31st, 2018


FEMTO-ST Institute, Dr. Kanty Rabenorosoa

Emmy Noether Programme: CROSS

Principal Investigator:

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jessica Burgner Kahrs


January 10th, 2013 — September 30th, 2018

Another research topic is the description of continuum robots' behavior for optimization purposes and/or for control strategies. We assessed the performances of two of the most widely used kinematic models, namely beam mechanics (BM) and Cosserat rod (CR) theory, both qualitatively and quantitatively. These approaches were considered in modeling a magnetic extensible tendon-actuated robot, with three segments. Our findings include a slight preference for CR in contrast to BM in terms of accuracy: shape error and Euclidean distance error at every segment end. Potential applications include design optimization and kinematic analysis. However, BM showed much higher update rate (up to 1000 times faster than CR model), which is more suitable for real-time applications, such as feedback control [RAL-2019].

I also contributed to improving motion generation abilities of Tendon-Actuated Continuum Robots (TACR). While the standard TACR are actuated by tendons (generally 3) routed parallel to the backbone (robot's center-line), the studied approach consisted of routing an additional tendon helically. The benefits of the additional actuation tendon were quantified in terms of reachable workspace and motion generation abilities. We showed that the workspace can be increased up to 400% and that twisting motion can be provided, added to the regular bending [IROS-2017, video included on IEEE Xplore].

My publications at the Laboratory for Continuum Robotics are listed here: Publications-LKR.

Ph.D. thesis @ FEMTO-ST Institute, Besançon, France

Novel Concept of Concentric Tube Robots with Micro-Actuators based on Electro-Active Polymers:

During my Ph.D., I was mainly interested in the original combination of Concentric Tube Continuum Robots (CTCR) with micro-actuators based on Electro-Active Polymers (EAP). CTCR are the smallest continuum robots (outer diameters down to 0.5 mm) while EAP micro-actuators require very low voltages (less than 1 V) and exhibit large strains (~ 30%). The goal of the project is to develop an active micro-endoscope allowing optical coherence tomography (OCT) for minimally invasive and early detection of gastro-intestinal cancers within the LabEx ACTION - Integrated Smart Systems framework.

I introduced this novel concept with initial studies about the advantages of the integration of EAP micro-actuators to actively vary the curvature of CTCR [ARK-2014]. This structure was further derived in two different variants (single and double bending for each component tube), which were kinematically modeled and analyzed [MechMT-2016]. In order to experimentally validate this approach, a prototype of standard CTCR with 3 tubes was developed and a task-space controller using end-effector pose feedback was successfully applied, achieving sub-millimeter accuracy for trajectory following [PhD-2016].

Furthermore, a first 2D telescopic soft robot based on EAP micro-actuators was built and controlled in position using visual feedback [IROS-2016].

The same EAP micro-actuators were also integrated in a laser steering scheme providing high displacement (5 mm) with low actuation voltages [Hamlyn-2017], providing micro-metric (below 1% of actuator's length) trajectory tracking accuracy [ABME-2018].

I also contributed to the development of an eye-in-hand control scheme for CTCR, with a miniaturized camera embedded in the end-effector, more suitable for minimally invasive operations [RAL-2018b].


Demonstrator 4, LabEx ACTION 


Prof. Nicolas Andreff


March 2012 — February 2020


PrincipaI Investigator:

Dr. Brahim Tamadazte


October 2014 — February 2019