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M. Taha ChikhaouiResearch Scientist at CNRSTIMC LaboratoryGrenoble, France

My biography:

I received my Ph. D. in Automatic Control from the University of Franche-Comté in 2016. My research was performed at FEMTO-ST Institute in Besançon, France, where I was affiliated with the Automatic Control and Micro-Mechatronic Systems (AS2M) Department. I am recipient of the Prix de Thèse 2016*. I received an Electromechanical Engineering Diploma in 2013 from the High Private School of Engineering and Technologies (ESPRIT) in Tunis, Tunisia, where I have ranked first of my specialty.

I was postdoctoral researcher at the Laboratory for Continuum Robotics, Leibniz Universität Hannover in Hanover, Germany between 2017 and 2018.

Since 2019, I am research scientist at CNRS (The French National Centre for Scientific Research), appointed to TIMC Laboratory in Grenoble, France with the Computer-Assisted Medical Interventions (GMCAO) team.

The main focus of my research is continuum robotics for (bio-)medical applications. My interests are based on an interdisciplinary approach including robotic design, modeling, innovative mechatronics, and control strategies based on perception, among others.

* Awarded by GdR Robotique (the French Research Group for Robotics) of the CNRS (the National Center for Scientific Research). This prize is awarded annually by GdR Robotique and acknowledges the best doctoral theses in robotics in France.