
Azad's stay is supported by the French Laboratory of Excellence Labex-CAMI and ANR MACROS project.

Juliana's thesis is supported by COSSEROOTS project funded by Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR).

I was glad to serve as a jury member in his thesis committee, which was chaired by Pr. Jean-Luc Descotes and composed by Pr. Gaëlle Fiard (thesis director) and Dr. Quentin Franquet all from University Hospital Grenoble Alpes, and by Dr. Nadia Abid from Hospices Civils de Lyon.

David's stay is supported by CNRS Informatics (INS2I) Institute.

Ambroise's thesis is supported by CDP Grenoble-Neurotech project funded by Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA).

Arold's thesis is supported by CDP BOOT project funded by Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA).

Q. Boyer, M. T. Chikhaoui, P. Roux, F. Marionnet, S. Voros, and K. Rabenorosoa (2023): "Real-time Closed-loop Control of Concentric Tube Robots: Performance Assessment". Conference on New Technologies for Computer and Robot Assisted Surgery (CRAS), pp. 103-104, Paris, France.

Jocelyne Troccaz Thesis Director
Research Director, CNRS, TIMC

Christian Duriez Reviewer
Research Director, INRIA, CRIStAL

Jérôme Szewczyk Reviewer
Full Professor, Sorbonne Université, ISIR

Jessica Burgner-Kahrs Examiner
Associate Professor, University of Toronto, Canada

Grégory Chagnon Examiner
Full Professor, Université Grenoble Alpes, TIMC

Christine Chevallereau President
Research Director, CNRS, LS2N

M. Taha Chikhaoui Invited
Research Scientist, CNRS, TIMC

Benoît Rosa Invited
Research Scientist, CNRS, ICube

These codes are associated to the following paper:
Matthias Tummers, Vincent Lebastard, Frédéric Boyer, Jocelyne Troccaz, Benoît Rosa, and M. Taha Chikhaoui (2023): "Cosserat Rod Modeling of Continuum Robots from Newtonian and Lagrangian Perspectives". IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 39(3): 2360-2378. DOI: 10.1109/TRO.2023.3238171 (pdf)

Ambroise's thesis is supported by CDP Grenoble-Neurotech project funded by Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA).

Arold's thesis is supported by CDP BOOT project funded by Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA).

January 2023 edition of "CNRS Le Journal" on a new generation of surgical robots highlights continuum robots developed in our lab, among other French research advances.

The French version of this article is accessible via:

H. J. Zhang, S. Lilge, M. T. Chikhaoui, J. Burgner-Kahrs (2022): "Cooperative Control of Dual-Arm Concentric Tube Continuum Robots", presented at the International Conference on Manipulation, Automation, and Robotics at Small Scales (MARSS) in Toronto, Canada is Finalist: Best Robotics Paper Award!

Within the Cross-Disciplinary Program, two projects get funded by Université Grenoble Alpes for the next 3 years: 

Exciting research with cross-disciplinary communities in Grenoble is starting soon!

An exciting week ahead with great speakers and audience.

These summer projets are supported by Université Grenoble Alpes - "Stages d'Excellence" program.

Amine's thesis is supported by COSSEROOTS project funded by Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR).

Imane's thesis is supported by COSSEROOTS project funded by Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR).

Tarek's thesis is supported by Campus France PhD Program.

Zibo's thesis is supported by COSSEROOTS project funded by Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR).

Alexis's stay is supported by COSSEROOTS project funded by Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR).

Technological Infrastructure for Robotics Research of Excellence (TIRREX) project, lead by CNRS, has the objective to develop cutting-edge robotic platforms, developed and coordinated at a national level (32 lab partners), and open-access to the community.

TIMC lab is co-responsible of the Medical Axis within TIRREX, as M. Taha Chikhaoui is a Scientific Manager and Pierre-Alain Barraud is a Technical Manager, together with ICube lab.

Lèna's projet is supported by Anatomy2020 project, funded by Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR).

These summer projets are supported by Université Grenoble Alpes - "Stages d'Excellence" program.

Quentin's thesis is supported by the French Laboratory of Excellence Labex-CAMI and FEMTO-ST Institute funding.

Mohamed's thesis is supported by COSSEROOTS project funded by Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR).

- Review Editor for Frontiers in Robotics and AI - Soft Robotics journal

- Review Board member for Actuators journal

The 6 partners are eager to present you CAMI collaborative achievements and future plans in a one-day online event. 

The program includes keynote speakers, presentations of CAMI partners and alumni, as well as video demonstrations.

Join CAMI Day on December 15, 2020 on Youtube.

Our partner, Prof. Jessica Burgner-Kahrs, head of the Continuum Robotics Laboratory (U of T), and I are confident this project will open a few doors for scientific exchange and students' international experience.

Matthias's thesis is supported by the French Laboratory of Excellence Labex-CAMI and Multidisciplinary Institute in Artificial intelligence (MIAI) Grenoble Alpes within Axis 5 Health.

The conference will take place in Mannheim, Germany between June 16-20, 2020.

I am glad to serve in the Program Committee of ACTUATOR'20 Conference.

I am glad to serve in the Program Committee of Surgetica 2019 Conference.

Session: Medical Robotics VII | Tuesday May 21, 2019 | 15:15-16:30

Read our paper here: RAL-2019

Read our paper here: Actuator-2018

See the Agenda for June 14 & 15, 2018 in Brussels, Belgium.

Interactive session | Thursday May 24, 2018 | 15:00-17:30 | Paper ThP@E.7 at pod E

Read our papers here: RAL-2018a and RAL-2018b

The award ceremony will take place during the French Days for Robotic Research (JNRR), where I will give a talk on November 8, 2017 in Biarritz, France.