Be a STEM Hero!

"Being a science teacher makes me a better scientist"

Now is the time to consider teaching -- even if you don't intend to become a teacher forever. The public school system is in crisis with a massive teacher shortage and you can help out. Get paid $200 a day to substitute teach in middle or high school science and math classrooms. You'll learn new communication skills and help support kids when they need it most.

Ready to step up?

Help for STEM Heros website

Sign up Here or email for more information.

Several of you have already been out in the classroom as substitute teachers and we want to hear your stories!

Join us for our next STEM Hero support session. We’ll dig into classroom management tricks and answer questions folks have. Everyone is welcome:

Already applied but still waiting? We’ll debug your application.

Not yet applied? Hear stories from those that have

Already in the classroom? Ask questions about how to do things better.

Wednesday, March 16 (this week!)

5:30pm - 6:30pm

Via Zoom: