

View 2023 Workshops Here:

Kingdom Minded Resilience: Leveraging wellness to catalyze your purpose. 

In the proposed workshop, I will discuss how student leaders can leverage Biblical teaching and emerging developments in neuroscience to equip other college students with resilience building skills that will empower them to persevere through their adversities. I will address the increasing mental health challenges that college students are experiencing and how growing their resilience capacity can help them move beyond persisting in school and to a life of purpose, where their strength is made whole in Christ.

The workshop will begin with a quick overview of the neurobiology of trauma and how triggers in higher education manifest in the body and mind of our students. Participants will then have an opportunity to explore Kingdom minded resilience building strategies through case studies from various departments in student development. The Kingdom minded resilience model is adapted from the framework of Dr. Kenneth Ginsburg’s 7 C’s of Resilience, where the three domains of Firm Foundations, Fellowship in Service, and Peace through Strength are used to grow a student’s resilience capacity. The workshop will end with participants practicing at least one strategy with a partner and reflecting on ways they can incorporate these resilience building strategies in the programming and services they provide to students at their respective institutions.

Ricardo Ramos, Program Director and Assistant Professor

Point Loma Nazarene University, CA

Decelerate and Listen

"Hurry is the great enemy of the spiritual life in our day." - Dallas Willard

The life of a Trailblazer requires the skill of being still. Often, we complain that we don’t hear God, feel God, or see God. And yet, the life of Elijah shows us that God’s voice often isn’t heard in the fire (busyness) of life, the wind (rush) of life, or the earthquake (distractions) of life. Rather, God’s voice is most clear and discerned in the silence, stillness, and slowness of our being. God’s given us a trail to blaze. We must condition ourselves to slow down and listen long enough to discern what that trail is. In the over-inundated, content-heavy cultural moment of 2023, how do Christian Student Leaders navigate the noise of the world and listen for God's still, small voice? Journey with me as we seek to discover or rediscover modern and ancient practices which help us become attuned to the voice of God.

Micah E. Davis, Pastor of Teaching and Vision

The Sanctuary: A Neighborhood Church, IN

Build a Bigger Table: Cultivating Belonging and Making Friends In School and After Graduation

We are all created to be in community. In fact, throughout scripture, God reveals himself through relationship and community! Belonging has forever been a central theme in the college experience, yet it’s one of the hardest things to cultivate and sustain. Belonging isn’t reserved just for those who are extroverted and cultivating community and environments where people are loved, valued, and seen is an essential part to building God’s kingdom. This workshop will encourage, empower, and equip you to to 1) build programs and environments that foster belonging on campuses 2) find practical ways to make friends in the uncertainty of life after graduation.

Nii Abrahams, Director of the First Year Experience

Butler University, 

Using Change Theory in Leadership

A student leader develops programs, processes, and practices to help their fellow students grow in some capacity, and while change is an essential element of the growth process, we often fail to understand how change works. Change theory examines how change occurs and what forces, elements, and environments must be present for change to occur. Translating theories of change to the student leader environment allows the student leader to drive responsible, ethical, and effective change in their students as they lead their peers.

Mark Muha, Vice President of Student Development

Biola University, CA

Student Leadership and the Role of Hospitality

No matter what student leadership position you hold, hospitality is a central aspect to the success of helping other students feel like they belong. Student leaders have the unique opportunity to set up environments where others can be seen, heard, known, and feel true belonging. Failure to grasp the importance of hospitality can be detrimental to the student experience. This workshop will take a look at the extreme lengths one family went to express hospitality in Scripture and provide some actionable things that all student leaders can do to level up their hospitality efforts.

Eric Fehr, Assistant Dean of Student Life

Grove City College

The Feedback Loop: Understanding How to Make Game Changing Improvements in the Middle of the Year

Regardless of if we believe the feedback that we receive is fair or unfair, being able to accept feedback and leverage for self-improvement is one of the best skills that a young professional can have. Understanding a systematic way to receive feedback, and making the proper adjustments can be the difference between going from good to great, having a positive or negative experience, as well as being able to prevent burnout.

Isaac Barber, Associate Dean of Student Engagement

Huntington University

When helping hurts- how we can support students with disabilities in combatting supports that are actually harmful. 

We are seeing a higher number of students with disabilities enrolling and disclosing at our institutions. We have not consistently changed how we support, interact, or host programs to make them more accessible for students. 

Erica Marshall,  Director of the Academic Center for Excellence

Huntington University

Creating and Executing Successful Events (and having the BEST time while doing it!)

Students will look at the philosophy of event planning as well as practical tools for implementation. The first part of “Creating and Executing Successful Events” is to define Success. Students will be led through the process of setting objectives, leading through gift centered delegation and the “secret” to making an event memorable. 

Melissa Bond, Director of Student Engagement and Student Leadership

Anderson University

Thriving>Surviving: Building a Foundation in Uncertain and Volatile Times

Change is constant, and perhaps one of the only constants that we find in life and leadership. Have you faced times and seasons in which you've felt like there is so much instability you can't see a path forward? Or perhaps the challenges of transitions and questions they bring have left you feeling powerless, uncertain of where to turn? When it seems like the best you can offer is simply surviving? Take heart! There are ways you can take refuge in the "I AM" and lead with hope, passion, and integrity. This session will identify the challenges that change and transition bring, while exploring Kotter, Akhtar, and Gupta's (2021) framework for "The Thrive/Survive System." We will discuss examples of common stressors student leaders face and consider practical ways student leaders can channel a "thrive" mindset when challenges arrive.

Alex Staup, Director of Student Engagement

Lee University
