Sample Schedule

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

4:00pm PST

Welcome & Introductions 

4:15 pm PST

Students will join a 25 minute pre-recorded presentation from our workshop presenters. Choose from 8 pre-recorded presentation at each session. All workshops will be available on our Youtube page following the Conference.

4:40 pm PST

Offline Break

4:45 pm PST

Students will join a 25 minute pre-recorded presentation from our workshop presenters. Choose from 8 pre-recorded presentation at each session. All workshops will be available on our Youtube page following the Conference.

5:10 pm PST

Offline Break

5:15 pm PST

Roundtables provide opportunities for live discussion and interaction with fellow student leaders from around the country. Click the link for the affinity group you want to enter. We recommend joining these discussions on a personal device to better facilitate conversation.

Affinity groups include: Campus Ministries, Campus Activities, Res Life, Multicultural Life, Intramurals/Recreation/Wellness, Clubs and Organizations.

6:15 pm PST

Closing Comments (and Giveaways!!!)

We choose giveaway winners by drawing random numbers and selecting the corresponding registered students. Attendees MUST be present to win whether by personal device or group connection.