2021 Workshops

Unleashing Your Most Vibrant Self – Tips and Tools to Grow your Self-Confidence as a Leader

We all have those moments, those days, and those seasons of self-doubt wondering what we really have to offer as a leader. Instead of getting stuck there, build your confidence muscle and begin to see your unlimited potential to influence others by making their day. 

Angela D'Amour, Dean of Student Engagement

Westmont College, Santa Barbara CA

The Spiritual Disciplines & Becoming Like Jesus 

In this workshop, we will be exploring how we change and become more like Jesus. We will dive into the heart of spiritual disciplines and see why they help shape and form us into Christlikeness. 

Micah Lorenz, Pastor of Spiritual Formation & Discipleship

Northwest University, Kirkland, Washington

Listen Louder 

The past can help inform us but it doesn't have to define us. When we listen to understand and not just to respond, I believe that is where the deepest levels of growth come from and where we learn to connect with one another more authentically and wholly. Viewing relationships and connection through this lens, I hope, helps us be able to renew, refocus, and rebuild during times of uncertainty. 

Dr. Meghan McMahon Johnson (Dr. Meg), Director of Student Care 

William Jessup University Rocklin CA

Becoming a Healthy and Renewed Leader 

Have you ever seen (or been??) that leader who just crashes? They push themselves to the limits and then hit a wall and then just check out? This workshop engages with the idea of how to set healthy boundaries, how to take care of yourself through rest and rhythms and how to be renewed in your leadership.


Holly Edwards, Associate Vice President for Student Engagement and Dean of Students

East Texas Baptist University, Marshall, Texas

Thriving as a Student Leader - How to Lead Above the Line 

In this workshop you’ll discover some simple, spiritual and practical leadership truths that can help you learn what it means to lead “above the line” and minister and serve as Jesus did with love, care and presence.  You’ll understand how to be an emotionally healthy leader no matter what is going on that might be challenging, frustrating, irritating or difficult.  And you’ll learn about how to become more aware of what’s happening within you in order to remain calm, cool and collected no matter what is happening around you.   

Bill Johnson, Director of Counseling and Career Center 

Crown College, St. Bonifacius, MN