Day 3

Add one or more ot these sensor apps onto your phone

  • Gauges

  • Phyphox

  • Google Science Notebook

  • NAHS data collection 8:30 (walk over) - 10:30

    • How do you get kids outside?

      • Compare and contrast

        • Take notes on observation

        • Data collection

    • Repeating measurements

      • Temperature variation

      • CO2 measurements

      • Species distribution in a school site?

  • Brainstorm ideas for investigation


      • Why are there trees in some places and not in others in Aliso Canyon? (MS-LS1-5. Construct a scientific explanation based on evidence for how environmental and genetic factors influence the growth of organisms)

      • How do areas burned differ from areas that didn't burn? Or What evidence can we see of fire and how it affected organisms/landscape.

      • What evidence is there of human influence on species distribution?

      • What evidence is there of erosion?

      • What materials do the ripgut brome stick to best?

  • Debrief experience and share out ideas 10:45-11:15

LUNCH 12:30-1:30

Set up Lesson Planning Groups (Gini)

  • Brainstorm ideas for Lesson Planning

  • Establish teams of 2-3 people to build lessons

Lesson Planning

Exit Ticket

NGSS Deep Dive Option:

  • Learn about how NGSS makes learning more equitable. Bang et al (2018) chapter 3 - Kami version (highlight and add notes for all to see)