Lab 1

Lab 1: Getting set up

1. First step is to get your Cozmo robot and a carrying case from the instructor or teaching assistant. Do not worry if we run out of Cozmos for today. You should be able to do this week's labs by sharing a Cozmo and you will have your own by next week.

2. Register your Cozmo on this spreadsheet by entering your name, student ID, and the tag number at the bottom of your Cozmo (e.g. RA1021). The TA will verify that you have done this. You will be responsible for keeping the Cozmo safe and return it at the end of the quarter.

3. Read the Cozmo SDK introduction here to prepare your hardware setup. You will need a laptop and a mobile device connected to the laptop via USB. At this point, we also recommend connecting your Cozmo charger to your laptop and charging it.

4. Install the Cozmo app on your mobile device and launch it. Follow instructions to turn on your Cozmo and connect it to your phone via WiFi. Once connected explore the app and interact with Cozmo for about five minutes and have fun!

5. Back to business. If you do not already have it install Python (3.5.1 or later) on your laptop. Next install the Cozmo SDK on your laptop following the installation instructions in the documentation. Separate instructions are provided for different hardware configurations.

6. Next download the example programs either using the links or by cloning the GitHub repository, as instructed here.

7. Finally run the "hello world" example, as instructed here.