Week 6 Submission

Week 6: Submission Instructions

This week you will submit your updated code for Lab 10 and a video demonstrating the functionality implemented on the Cozmo robot. Your changes to the code should be contained within planning.py.

Your submission for Part 1 of Lab 10 will be evaluated using the autograder.py provided with the lab using different map configurations.

For Part 2 you will create a video demonstrating the robot's ability to (1) update the map based on detected cubes, (2) navigate to the goal (Cube 1) through the shortest path as soon as it is detected, (3) navigate to face the "front" of Cube 1, and (4) successfully avoid Cube 2 and 3 while navigating to the goal. Your code will be tested on a Cozmo in the following scenario:

  • The robot will initially face away from Cube 1.
  • One obstacle (Cube 2) will be present at the start, but the other one (Cube 3) will added to block the robot after it starts navigating towards the goal.

If your code does not work on the first trial, two additional attempts will be made with slight modifications to the cube poses.

Push all changes to the code onto your Git repository and submit instructions on how to clone and run your code (similar to previous lab submissions), as well as a link to your video on Canvas. Please see Canvas for a grading rubric with more details.