Books in English, French, Spanish, Romanian

People are afraid of what they don’t understand. But if we all are in God and God is in all of us, why should we be afraid of?

"All power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely." - Lord Acton

The greater diversity 

of beliefs, currents, schools, models and methods that I came in contact with, the more the feeling of unity and of a common origin of all beings, things, processes and phenomena, of belonging to the same cosmic universal principle unique, conscious, logical, perfect, eternal and infinite, divine. 

My encounter with the late Niculae Sandu accelerated the synthesis of the accumulated knowledge in a coherent and unitary system, based on a cybernetic model that integrates concepts such as soul, energy, information and matter. 

From Entertainment through Education to Enlightenment. Enjoy reading my books in Romanian, English, French, Spanish and even Swedish (sorry, no Klingon yet...). 

And the most important thing: downloads are for free as long as you don't abuse my trust. This means you will not use any of these materials for any commercial purposes. Never. Ever. Not in this life. Not on this planet. OK?

Healing Through Love, Miracle or Science?

A Cybernetic, Holographic and Fractal Model of the World. A Book about Life with Love and Light

Books in English

Guérison par l'amour, miracle ou science?

Une modèle cybernétique, holographique et fractalique du monde. Un livre sur la vie avec amour et lumière

Books in French

¿Sanando con amor, milagro o ciencia?

Un modelo cibernético, holográfico y fractal del mundo. Un libro sobre la vida con amor y luz

Books in Spanish

Remember: downloads are for free as long as you don't abuse my trust. This means you will not use any of these materials for any commercial purposes. Never. Ever. Not in this life. Not on this planet. OK?

Vindecare prin iubire

Un model cibernetic, holografic și fractalic al lumii. O carte despre viață cu dragoste și lumină

Vindecare prin iubire

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