JClic Quizzes 

Mathematics, Technology, Computer Science, Natural Science...

"I can demonstrate that 12 divided by 2 is 7. Do you accept the challenge?" - Mr. B, the Math teacher

What is JClic?

JClic is formed by a set of computer applications that are used for carrying out different types of educational activities: puzzles, associations, text exercises, crosswords... JClic is developed in the Java platform, is a free software project and works in different environments and operating systems.

Complete information at https://clic.xtec.cat/legacy/en/jclic/howto.htm

Grade 6th, Mathematics. Probability / Åk 6, Matematik. Sannolikhetslära

Grade 6th, Physics. Definitions / Åk 6, Fysik. Definitioner

Grade 6th, Mathematics. Numbers / Åk6, Matematik. Taluppfattning

Direct access to real time quizzes available soon! So you can compete with your 6th grade nephew...

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