Socrative Quizzes 

Mathematics, Technology, Computer Science, Natural Science...

"I can demonstrate that 12 divided by 2 is 7. Do you accept the challenge?" - Mr. B, the Math teacher

What is Socrative?

Socrative is an online tool for teachers to give quizzes and on-the-fly assessments to students. With Socrative you can create your own quizzes, quizzes are automatically graded, and you can create reports to evaluate how everyone did.

Complete information and downloads at

Grade 5th-8th, Mathematics. Natural numbers. The four arithmetic methods / Åk 5-8, Matematik. Naturliga tal. De fyra räknesätten

Quiz_Matematik_Åk5_Écolier 2014_Quizzes.pdf
Quiz_Matematik_Åk6_Naturliga tal_Del 4_De fyra räknesätten.pdf
Quiz_Matematik_Åk8_Taluppfattning_Del 1_Romerska siffror..pdf

Direct access to real time quizzes available soon! So you can compete with your 6th grade nephew...

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