My Credo

Humans must work with themselves, the Angels are helping, God heals. This is love. Tough love.

The Universe 

is infinite in time and space, exists in more dimensions and different realms, has no beginning and no end, manifests itself through creation and evolution, its fundamental components are energy, information and matter. The Universe is structured, conscious, intelligent, logical, law driven and perfect and above all, it's an infinite source of love. God is love.

The whole reflects in the part and the part is to be found in the whole, this is the  holographic principleThe human body is infinite in space and the soul is infinite in time. We are boundless and immortal. The Universe has a fractal like behavior; the unique principle reproduces itself in infinite forms, all identical on the deepest level. There is no “you” or “me”, “us” or “them”. God is one. 

Life is paradox, humor and change. We experiment life through situations which are objective, necessary and sufficient - if and only if. All forms of existence - our lives too, are subject to the cybernetic laws and all the processes regulate themselves through the loop of feedback. There is a law of compensation (karma) and a law of retribution (dharma). We always get from life what we need, what we deserve and nothing more than we can bear. God is great.

We act and inter react with the world through our feelings, thoughts, words and deeds. We mirror in each other, all of us, all the time and everywhere. The world is as we are. We are light coming from light; coming from love. What is coming back to us from the world is just a reaction to our action, we receive exactly what we send out to the world. We always meet with ourselves. We are measured by the quantity of love in ourselves. The whole is the measure. God is everything

Why are we here? We come from love, as a manifestation of love and we have to remember what love is, so we can find our way back to love.

How to do this? We have to see the loving face of God in absolute everything that exists and we have to love this face of God.