Biosphere Garden Project

The School's Wish List

1.The Garden

  1. The Garden: The main block of the space will consist of areas to help re-wild and bring biodiversity into the school environment. It will also offer a nature reserve for students, plants and animals to thrive within the school. below are the areas the students have decided are needed.

Wildflower Meadow

Wild flower seeds will be scattered in all areas of the garden which are not moan paths or designated areas.

Wildlife Zones

The dead wall will also house bug hotel sections. Bird boxes will go on the fence and on posts and a hedgehog house and bucket ponds may be added.

Social Area/Outdoor Classroom

To encourage the space to be used to teach in, we are creating an outdoor classroom. seats will be made out of tyres with a woven wire top, pebble for the floor, rubber matting for presenting from and a white board attached to the fence.


Miss Dixon has been working with a group of students after school to research which com[posting solution will be best for the school and secure funding to implement a composting system.


The boundaries apart from the dead wall will be made of willow which will continue to grow.

Cosy Area

a cosy quiet area will be created by making a woven willow dome which will continue to grow.

Picnic Area

A mown circle of grass as a picnic area to sit and enjoy the environment.

Planting Trees

Trees will be planted for the benefit of future students and all the benefits trees add to an environment.

Greenhouse and Shed

The green house will be a geodesic dome with recycled plastic sides. This warmer environment will encourage the growth of seedlings before planting out in the raised beds. A shed will house the tools and necessary equipment for a gardening club.

Growing Area

Raised beds made from delivery packaging from Vesters factory will be be ideal to grow a variety of food and plants throughout the year which will be run by a growing team of students.

2. The Sculpture Garden

Several pieces of artwork will be made for a sculpture garden:

These pieces will be based on examples within Ryde which demonstrate why we are a biosphere reserve.

These pieces will incorporate an interactive QR code to key locations in Ryde Town to educate people about the biosphere reserve example.

This will stretch engagement and the scope of learning beyond the school gates into each area corresponding area within the town; educating the local community about our UNESCO biosphere reserve using creative methods to promote inclusive engagement.

Wagtails and the Pier

Using this sort of idea we will produce wagtail birds out of milk cartons. These will be used for the Mardi Gras and then installed onto the fence with a cross stitched pier on the fence to raise awareness of the plight of the wagtails needing their shelter on the pier to be reinstalled.

Seagrass and the Seahorses

Art Piece will be designed around this biosphere feature

Sandlings and Hover Travel

Art Piece will be designed around this biosphere feature.

Bee Orchids and Soil Composition

Using the milk bottle handles we will make bee orchids but the final design is still under construction

Location of our Wildlife Garden

Plan D - The O- Zone Court Yard

The O- Zone

Although much smaller the benefits are

  • it is protected so it will actually develop and happen

  • some of the group creating the space use this area

  • it is in need if investment- time, resources, creativity

  • it is manageable in the remaining time frame

  • there is an established theme of Sea Horses in the department! YAY!

Desired sections we can keep in this area below + SHADE





Sculptures/ Art

Sea Horse from bottle tops

Pied Wagtails


Gallery of Progress

Progress of the sink paints to be on display in the telephone box in lind street and then finally in the court yard

Progression of Bottle top Light Box being made for merry and bright but will finally go on display in the court yard

A composing wormery has been ordered along with a starter kit of live worms

These silk paintings which has gone on display in the town will then to on display in quay arts and then finally go on permanent display in the court yard in the court yard

We bought this table and chairs set on Wightbay to sustainably reuse this item rather than purchase a new one. Jenna has taken the light chairs in the lift while Alex and Simon carry the very heavy table up both flights of stairs! :)

The wag tails we made out of milk bottles and then used to make a Mardi Gras carnival costume will later be used to stick onto this huge window in the court yard to look like a flock of birds and be a constant reminder of one of our features of the biosphere in Ryde and their plight for resting boxes at the end of the pier

We have been offered this scaffolding tower which we will configure into our cosy area in the court yard. the silk painted panels we are making for the box lantern for Merry and Bright and be used to form the decoration

Desired Sections to take out into the community


Desired Sections we will move outside of the area into the community

Wild Garden

Sculpture/ Art - our carnival sandling

Planting Trees

Wildlife Zones


We have had to move again as every week our progress has been moved or destroyed. Because we have had to move our site for a third time we are now making the decision to move to a completely secure site which can be locked. This is the old bike shed which got closed a few years ago. Simon from our maintenance team has offered his hours for free to get the area cleared and strimmed.

I will make new plans and designs to try to keep as many of our planned elements as possible.


We have had to move our plans to a more secure location after we took advise from the maintenance team about our prior location been open to vandalism.

This is the area beside the maze we have now moved to.

The advantages of this site are:

  • It already has a maze as a point of interest

  • It is a smaller more manageable site

  • It will be more protected and overseen by the 6th form

  • all of the elements can still fit into this new plan


The Biosphere Garden project will be located between the AstroTurf and football field and alongside the schools outer fence, see pic below. It will be split into 2 sections.

  1. The garden: In the main block of the space will consist of areas to help re-wild and bring biodiversity into the school environment. It will also offer a nature reserve for students, plants and animals to thrive within the school.

  2. The Sculpture Garden:This area located in the strip of land between the fence and the football field is adjoined to the garden by a willow arch.

List Key

Green - done

Red - not able to do

black - still to do

Strategic To Do List

      • Classroom

    • Tyers sourced

    • Tyers drilled

    • Wire sourced

    • Wire stripped

    • Wire woven onto tyres

    • Tyres placing in position

    • Pebbles collecting

    • Pebbles placing on floor

    • White board installing

    • Design spray painted floor matting

    • Floor matting spray painted

    • Floor matting in situ

      • Land

    • Paths marked out

    • Areas marked out

    • Paths mown

      • Willow

    • Willow cutting

    • Willow dome planting

    • Willow fence planting

      • Composing

    • Composting bin installed

    • Info to educate the students how to use it

      • Growing area

    • Raised beds sourced

    • Raised beds installed

    • Soil sourced

    • Soil installed

    • Planting out

    • Geodesic dome made

    • Geodesic dome sides made

    • Geodesic sides installed

    • Geodesic dome interior

    • Shed purchased

    • Shed made

    • Shelves installed

    • Floor matting designed

    • Floor matting sprayed

    • Floor matting installed

    • Source trees

    • Plant trees

    • Wild seeds scattered

Art sculptures

      • wagtails

    • Wag tails made

    • Wag tails wiring up

    • Wag tails installed

    • Yarn sourcing

    • Pier cross stitch designing

    • Cross stitch stitching

      • Bee orchids

    • Cut milk bottle handles off

    • Form orchids

    • Design a piece of art around the soil composition

    • Make into art piece

    • Install

      • Sandings

    • Design an art piece

    • install

      • Sea grass

    • Design an art piece

    • Install

      • Up Cycled Seating

    • designed and installed

Below is the Team Wilder Report on Ryde Academy School Grounds

Grounds advice Ryde academy report.pdf