Mardi Gras

We now know our theme is:

'Global Action Now!'

We have been chosen to be placed at the back as the of the grand finale of the Mardi Gras Parade 2022!!!

Saturday 9th JULY!!!

Ryde Academy is entering the Mardi Gras this year with 4 sections. 1. Ryde's Dance troop will be performing, 2. our after school group will be sandings and 3. we are making a giant sandling bird from upcycled plastic bottles 4. Part Student/ part public workshop created wagtail dress


We took inspiration from traditional carnival floats covered in flowers

Development and Design

The students chose to focus on the Sandlings as a feature of Ryde's Biosphere reserve. Our Art Student Joel Developed the students initial sketches into the wonderful designs below.

Meet Joel our volunteer art student who has designed the Mardi Gras sandling costumes for us. He will be coming into our afterschool sessions. Joel will be joining us afterschool on the 13th, 20th and 27th of June.

Jenna had a go at trying on the prototype costume and waddling like a sandling!

All of these pieces will need cutting and assembling which will be the job of the after school group.


Below are images from classroom workshops we ran with years 7, 8 and 9 making wagtail tits from milk cartons ready for the part student/ part public workshop created wagtail dress and flowers from upcycled bottles for our Mardi Gras sandling carnival piece.

Mardi Gras Gallery

Below are images showing the production of the carnival costumes as well as photos from the actual day

Historic Progression Information

From working with schools and groups of young people The New Carnival Company have come up with some titles connected to the sustainable development goals. Now its up to schools and groups to bid for their preferred theme for their Mardi Gras creations.

We decided to bid on:

Reduce Waste

Sustainable Towns and Cities

Stop Climate Change

We were Given the title of: Global Action Now!