
If you are part of the Creative Biosphere Group and have given your email to Jenna (Your Community Resident Artist) then you should be able to get access to our shared drive to access resources and to add ideas and research to.

More info and pictures to follow of our progress each week

A section of the grass to show the vast array of species

An old flower bed we can restore

Using pastels to draw the rare species found in the Solent and learning to make rope from palm leaves

Our new site for our sculpture garden and biosphere reserve.

Our new site is next to the maze

Measurements of the new site

Carrying the willow to our new site

Unloading the tyers from Ryde Garage for our upcycled seats for our outdoor classroom

We made birds out of clay which will be fixed to the fence in our sculpture garden

we pretended to be each area and stood where it would be to see how spaced out the sections would be

Our final plan- see 'sculpture garden page of this site for more detailed plans

Design ideas for the positioning of the areas within our outdoor area and sculpture garden