Banners Project

The banners project was in initiated by Monkton Arts. The Monkton Village Artists got together and created 22 iconic images of Ryde. they have been sponsored by local businesses and for this initial years start up been funded by Ryde Town Council.

Next years banners will be created by students of Ryde Academy's. They have been asked to produce images from the options below, depicting features of our biosphere reserve found in Ryde.

Students have put their name by their chosen topic and banners will be printed and put on public view before they go up on the lamp posts next May 2023.


Abigail Morey

Sea Grass
Cassidy and Carla

Sea Horses
Michelle J

pied wagtails
Jess Stiles

Bee Orchid
Bea Griffiths

White tailed eagle
Nicole Cundall

Tide and Sands
Jaimie Charman

Red Squirrels
Evie Waghorne

Reddish Buff Moth

Hazel dormouse
Maisy Dean

Snakelocks enemone

Wood Calamint

Barbastelle Bat

Jack Organ

Narrow leaved lungwort
Sophie M

Stag Beatle

Night Jar
Jack T

Wood Cricket

Long Eared Owl
Scarlet Keeble

Bechstein Bat
Charles Peterson

Blue Bell
Rubes Horwood

Bradley Elliot

Olivia Ballard

Digital image created by Evie Waghorne

Watercolour by Maisie Dean

Photoshoped mock up of a design on the lamp posts

Below are the design steps you need to follow to complete your artwork for your banner:

  1. On a google docs, copy and paste 10 inspirational images of your chosen biosphere feature

  2. look at the different art styles below and decide which medium you want to work in

  3. The banners will be printed at 60cms X 150cms. Your final piece will be to this scale but you can work at any size at this scale

  4. Thinking about the scale of the composition you are working to and using your 10 inspirational images, do 5 sketches or test pieces to experiment with your chosen medium

  5. choose which one you like the best and decide how to improve it

  6. Now you are ready to do your final piece