Creative arts SSC1b

Exploring the creative arts in health and illness SSC1b, 2024

Course organiser: Prof Louise Younie

 Hello and welcome to this creative arts SSC. I am looking forward to meeting you all and inviting you into the rich world of arts and medicine and the spaces in between. 

This course is a unique opportunity for you as medical students to keep your creative side alive through experiencing arts based health practices. You do not need to have well-developed creative talents just a willingness to engage with and explore the creative process.

Stories of patients engaging the creative process in different ways will be shared. You are invited to learn about the therapeutic value of creative exploration for patients in an experiential way (i.e. you have a go at writing or painting etc) rather than finding out from a textbook or lecture. Your reflection and creative expression may also contribute to your own self-awareness, both personally and professionally. Engaging your imagination in the stories of others might help you in the future as you walk alongside those who are sick and vulnerable. Learning also happens as a group, learning from and with each other as you share your perspectives and experiences.

This course will be run in person as well as with some virtual sessions (see below). For virtual sessions we expect you to turn up with your videos on as this is essential for presence in the group work and kindness and psychological safety for each other. Please can you connect with your laptop if at all possible so that the whole group can see each other and fully engage. 



This placement introduces you to the field of the arts and creative enquiry within the themes of:


By the end of this course you should have:  


You will have the opportunity to respond to created works of others and engage actively in the creative process itself. The art forms used may include writing, drawing/painting, photography, music, performance and clay-work.

Timetable 19th Feb - 1st Mar

Face-to-face sessions will be in the Garrod building (except Weds 21st Feb)

Mon 19th Feb 10.30 - 13.00, 13.45-15.45 Intro to creative enquiry and flourishing Room 3.03  Louise Younie

Tues 20th Feb 09.00 - 11.00 Flourishing with patient artists Zoom Gavin Blench and Natasha Duggan (& LY)

Weds 21st Feb 10.00 - 13.00 Photography and the space between SR 5 RBC Daniel Regan

Thurs 22nd Feb 09.00 - 11.00  Creative writing Zoom Louise Younie

14.00 - 16.00 The power of stories in the consultation Room 3.03 Graham Easton

Fri 23rd Feb 10.30 - 12.00 Vital Arts Room 1.21

Fri 23rd Feb 13.30 - 16.30 Sparkling moments Zoom Linda Miller

Mon 26th Feb 15.00 - 17.00 Collage Drawing Creativity  Room 1.32 Hugh Grant-Peterkin & Cara Verkerk

Tues 27th Feb 15.00 - 17.00 Creative arts and mental health  Room 3.03 Maria Turri

Weds 28th Feb 11.00 - 14.00 Patients as our teachers *** Catherine Lamont-Robinson

Thurs 29th Feb 15.00 - 17.00 Collage Drawing Creativity E3 5QZ Hugh Grant-Peterkin

Fri 1st Mar 11.30 - 14.30  Presentations and wounded healer Room 3.03 Louise Younie

In between sessions please take time to slow down, engage with creative approaches and work on your assignments

Deadline for QMPLUS and SSC hand in (send to ) 12pm ***, 2023


1) Roy Alexander Briggs Primary Care prize, not published yet

2) Publication Journal of Holistic Healthcare - many student examples in this Flourishing edition 

3) Presentation at SAPC (Society of Academic Primary Care) - national or South East