Patients as our teachers

Patients as our Teachers & Participatory practices in health research

Dr Catherine Lamont-Robinson 

Dear all

I look forward to meeting you

As an artist/researcher, and medical educator, hands-on enquiry is fundamental to my practice. In this session we consider the role of creative engagement in sharing stories, communicating diverse perspectives and co-creating health in research projects.

You will be invited to develop your own creative responses to issues/ideas raised - and later share with the group.


Sensory walk 

Please take 30 x mins to 1x hr outdoors prior to the session - notice what you notice! 

Ideally make some rough notes about what captures your attention in a notebook/ on your phone, take a few photographs/ video a few moments, make some sketches...for an informal sharing in the session.

Please also visit the website below and come to the session with an artwork to discuss



In this informal studio session, we consider the role of creative arts in communicating narratives across clinical and community healthcare, and as unique creative enquiry.

We will then focus on case-studies of patient-artists and Arts & Health community participants and reflect through hands-on arts engagement.

Dr Catherine Lamont-Robinson

Catherine is as an artist-researcher and medical educator working alongside patients in GP surgeries, the NHS, and participatory research programmes funded by the Welcome Trust and UKRI.

Recent projects include cross-community healthcare initiatives with patients as co-researchers - Breast Cancer Art is an arts outcome from one of these programmes.

As a medical educator Catherine contributes to medical humanities initiatives at Bristol University including their iBAMH programme and also co-develops/leads medical student experiential electives.

She is the curator and creative director of Bristol’s  ‘Out of Our heads’ website - - which hosts medical student, clinician and patient artwork.