Creative arts & mental health

Creative arts and mental health

Dr Maria Turri

Guided by Dr Maria Grazia Turri, co-director of MSc Creative Arts and Mental Health, in this online session we will use simple drama games that can be done online and at a distance to explore valuing and devaluing through the use of everyday objects. No previous experience of theatre needed!

Maria Grazia Turri

Senior Lecturer in creative arts and mental health

As a medical student and junior psychiatrist, I kept my artistic interests well separated from my clinical career. In my heart I always knew that reading Dostoevsky and Chekov had made me a better doctor, but I felt ashamed of admitting that in my free time I was a theatre maker. I now research and teach about the intrinsic connection between the arts and mental health, in the hope of contributing to a re-appropriation and celebration of the art of medicine.