Storyboard That

Note: See Digital Storytelling page for directions to create your account.

What Should I Do?

Something to Write About

Here are some ideas to help you get started creating. You can find many more HERE.

Each of us has at one time finished reading a book and said to ourself, ‘’I wish this book never ended,’’ and hoped for more pages or a sequel. Now, with StoryBoard That you can create a comic strip and continue the story of your favorite characters. Did they live happily ever after? What new adventures or problems did they encounter? What happened to them after they grew up? Did everything work out as it was supposed to? You be the author-creator now as you build your comic strip. Have fun!

It’s time to think of a woman in history whom we admire and would even like to meet and exchange thoughts if we could. Which woman captures your imagination? What would you want to say to her or ask her? Why does she have meaning for you?

There are so many female characters on Storyboard That. Choose one to represent a woman whom you admire and create a comic strip about her life. Your hero may be someone who lived in another time or is among us today. She may be someone you know or want to know.

Working with your best friend, you’re designing a computer program to do something miraculous, something never done before. It will answer a basic need all people have. What does your computer program do?

You are riding the bus and looking at the people who come on board. You suddenly find you have the power to read the thoughts of others. Someone sits down across from you, you close your eyes and read their minds. What stories do you hear? What surprises do you uncover? What do you learn?

Take a moment to recall the happiest time in your life so far. When was that? What made it so special?

Now, keep that memory alive within you as you go about your day and deal with all the problems ahead. The memory will keep you going.

Let’s just say that you had one great power — and that was to change the world in some way. What would you do?

Other ideas

  • Practice new vocabulary words
  • Create a comic strip about your own life
  • Create a daily comic strip diary
  • Create your own comic strip hero and write a series of stories about him/her/it
  • Create an illustrated poem or song