This page consists of links to a variety of resources that our system has constructed through months of research. All links can alternatively be found here.
Power to the Plurals: Great general resource if you want to learn more. It has resources for plural people as well as informative articles discussing specific facets of the community and what it’s like to live as plural.
KinHost: Another general resource with essays and articles about plural life and related subject matters. Run by a system with extensive experience in the community.
Pluralpedia: A mass definition hub for plural terms if you have any specific inquiries related to individual words used by systems.
Healthy Multiplicity: A link to many useful sites about plurality. A collection of resources from many different systems covering various topics gathered in one specific place.
Layman’s Guide to Plurality: General reading answering many questions and myths. A nice way to explain plurality to someone who has never heard of it. Some terms are outdated since it was written years ago, but it remains a solid resource.
Selves’ Advocacy Case: A series of interesting essays by a plural system. Mentions how many writers may be plural and simply unaware. Also discusses connection between being genderqueer, autistic, and plural.
More Than One: A general resource and another strong way to introduce plurality to someone who is just learning about the community for the first time. Includes information on terms, causes, myths, and etiquette regarding plurality.
Plural Terms: A Google site with a list of notable terms and definitions within the community.
System Sources: A Carrd with links to other plural resources. A strong place to start when looking into reading up more on the community as a whole.
Endogenic Systems: A Carrd explaining endogenic systems and related facts. Answers misconceptions related to endogenic systems while remaining informative and solid in relation to plural history.
Persecutor Resource Masterlist: A compilation of resources for persecutors, former persecutors, or those who want to learn more about persecutors found within systems.
L.B. Lee Essays: A series of essays discussing different facts within the plural community. Covers a wide variety of topics, including a comprehensive history of the plural community.
Syscourse Origins: A Dreamwidth post discussing how syscourse came to be on Tumblr, including a few inaccuracies that spread far and wide and still influence the plural community today.
Plurality Playbook: A general site about plurality. Contains information regarding how to explain to an employer or coworker how plurality and dissociative disorders impact daily life functions.
Ex Uno Plures: A resource for articles related to life and plurality. Covers a wide variety of topics spanning different facets of plural life.
System Dictionary Carrd: A compilation of important terms within the community, such as system origin types and roles discussed in further detail.
Endogenic Hub: A site with resources for endogenic systems that fully explains what they are for those seeking more information.
Endogenic Systems FAQ: A compilation of commonly asked questions and their answers regarding endogenic systems.