
This page describes different aspects of daily life for systems.


Identity can be a unique subject among systems since each experience is different. Some members are more distinctive than others and may prefer to go by their own names or sets of pronouns. Other collectives see themselves as one person with various facets (often median systems). Factors relating to identity can be radically different between headmates, and no two system members are exactly the same. All in all, everyone is unique within systems much the same as with singlets.


Switching is something that every system handles differently. Some systems never switch or only do it very rarely. Headmates who aren't in control of the body may passively influence the fronter even if they don't have full dominion over their outerworld physical form. Other systems switch much more often, and they may have designated roles as part of daily life where someone handles work or school while another headmate focuses on cooking or cleaning. Systems that do fully switch are different from one another since some of them can switch at will while for others, it only happens involuntarily. Switching is different for every system and should be handled accordingly.


Headspaces are different between systems as well. They can vary greatly in terms of what they're meant to accomplish and why they're present in the first place. Some headspaces are large and well-defined while others are lacking in detail by comparison. In some cases, a system might not have an internal world at all. This could mean that headmates simply observe from the sidelines or go to sleep when they aren't in control of the body. Headspaces can be intentionally constructed through careful meditative work.

Covert and Overt

Covert and overt refer to the two primary categories regarding if a system is open with their plural experiences or not. Covert systems hide their plurality in most circumstances, only telling a small selection of people that they trust deeply. Overt systems are open with their plurality by comparison and will hide their experiences less by comparison. Being covert or overt exists on a spectrum in most cases, and it can change depending on the situation. If a person comes out to you as plural, it is key that you respect their wishes regarding if they are out or closeted. Do not reveal a plural to be a system without their express permission since this is a breach of trust and often is viewed as a betrayal.


Masking refers to when a system hides themselves as a singlet, often for safety reason. Due to the severe stigma against plurality, this is something that many systems do. They often utilize a single shared persona to keep their identity cohesive enough that others do not catch on. Many systems are incredibly talented with masking and do a strong job of ensuring that nobody finds out the truth about their plurality. Given the statistics, you have likely met a system in the past but simply didn't notice because of how well they mask.