The next international Workshop on Classical and Quantum Integrable Systems (CQIS-2017) will be held at the Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, JINR (Dubna, Russia) on July 24-29, 2017. It will be organized by the Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics and the International Laboratory of Representation Theory and Mathematical Physics, Higher School of Economics, Moscow. The workshop is supposed to continue the series of CQIS workshops held in 2000-2016 in Protvino, Dubna, Chernogolovka and St. Petersburg.

The conference is dedicated to the memory of the outstanding Russian mathematical physicist Ludwig Dmitrievich Faddeev.

Workshop on Classical and Quantum Integrable Systems

July 24-29, 2017

Main topics of the conference include:

  • recent results in classical and quantum integrable models;
  • quantum field theory, conformal field theory, AGT correspondence;
  • quantum groups, cluster algebras, and other mathematics related to integrable systems;
  • integrable probability and asymptotic representation theory;
  • Ludwig Faddeev memorial session.

Participation is by invitation of the Organizing Committee. Those who are interested in participation are kindly asked to fill in the Registration Form. Those participants who need Russian visa are kindly requested to complete the Visa Application Form.

The deadlines for applications are:

  • June 20, 2017 for those who does not need Russian visa
  • May 31, 2017 for those who needs Russian visa.

The conference fee is €100 (= ք6000) which covers the transfer from and to the airport, coffee breaks, and a banquet.

Participants can be supported by the Organizing Committee (mainly young researchers). Those who need a financial support are kindly asked to provide the detailed information in the Registration Form.


The conference is supported by:

Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, JINR

International Laboratory of Representation Theory and Mathematical

Physics, NRU HSE, Moscow

Russian Foundation for Basic Research

Heisenberg - Landau program of the German Ministry for Science and Technology (BMBF)