
Dubna is a small scientific town, 120 km north of Moscow, on the bank of the Volga river (see There is a direct (about two hours) train and bus connection to Moscow.

Dubna is a host of Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, an international research organization involving more than 20 countries (see The institute activity embraces theoretical, high-energy, nuclear and condensed matter physics.

Participants will be accommodated in the hotel "Dubna"(Building 1: Vekslera str. 8). Hotel reservation will be done by the organizing committee according to the requests of participants. Please communicate your preference by email to Ms. Tatyana Donskova( with copy to The number of three- and two-room apartments is limited.

Exchange rate is about 60 roubles for 1 Euro. Approximate prices for booking are

Category Price (Roubles) per night

Two-room and three-room first class appartment 3800-5000

Single room 2000-2600

Single room in two rooms' block 1500

Double room 1200