The outstanding Russian scientist academician Ludwig Dmitrievich Faddeev passed away on 26 February 2017. He was a leader of the Saint Petersburg (Leningrad) school of mathematical physics that developed pioneering methods of the classical and quantum integrable systems theory. We were actively preparing the conference when these sad news have come to us. L.D. Faddeev often participated in the CQIS-series of conferences and he was a regular member of its Advisory Board. Therefore, we took a decision to dedicate the Conference CQIS-2017 to his memory and to organize a special memorial session on Wednesday, 26th of July, 2017.

The Organizing Committee of CQIS-2017

Ludwig Faddeev memorial pages

Ludwig Faddeev memorial articles in the journal "Priroda" (in Russian)

Ludwig Faddeev's page in Wikipedia (in Russian)

Ludwig Faddeev page in

Personal website of Ludwig Dmitrievich Faddeev

Ludwig Faddeev's website at St Petersburg State University magazine

Photo-albums from L.D.Faddeev's 80th birthday celebration

Photo-album from the conference "Quantum solitons" (1978)

Photo-album from the conference CQIS-2008

Reports on our Workshop in the media

JINR Report "CQIS2017: in memory of Ludwig Faddeev" (in english and russian)

JINR Report on CQIS2017 (russian version)