BIM PxP Toolkits

Announcing the release of the

Canadian BIM Project eXecution Plan Toolkits

on the new buildingSMART Canada e-Store

The toolkits are immensely helpful documents designed to support the process of creating a BIM Project eXecution Plan and preparing for BIM projects. Each toolkit has been based around real world examples that have been compiled to create a composite illustrative project. Each volume has been repackaged to include all the supporting documents.

Design Development Phase – Volume 1

This toolkit focuses on the use of BIM for the detailed design and the generating construction documentation phases.

Construction Phase – Volume 2

This toolkit focuses on the use of BIM for management and coordination of construction activities and planning on the worksite and risk mitigation during the construction phase, and is based around real world examples that have been compiled to create a composite illustrative project.

Handover & Maintenance Phase – Volume 3

These toolkits focus on the use of BIM for facilities maintenance handover (FM Handover) with subsequent maintenance and operations, and is based around real world examples that have been compiled together to create a composite illustrative project.

Complete Guide - Volume 1, 2, and 3

The BIM PxP Complete Guide contains toolkits for the Design Development Phase,

the Construction Phase and the Handover and Maintenance Phase. Each toolkit is based around real world examples that have been compiled together to create a composite illustrative project.

Each toolkit consists of several parts:

  • A Toolkit Overview document describing the toolkit
  • An example PxP (BIM Project eXecution Plan) illustrating what a completed PxP would look like for this illustrative composite project
  • An Executive Summary that provides a high level explanation of the Illustrative PxP Guide
  • An illustrative PxP Guide document, broken into eleven sections, explaining how the PxP was created and containing key decisions and anecdotes
  • A PxP Template for similar PxPs that contain nominal or default parameters for similar cases

Each PxP Toolkit Volume can be purchased separately or the Complete Guide will contain all three volumes together.

Available in both hard and digital copies (the word template and excel spreadsheet template, as a download, are included with the both hard and digital documents.