Other Studies

On this page you will find links to other scientific and academic studies related to COVID-19, based in Mexico as well as wider regions.

The inclusion of these studies is done for the purpose of collaborating with other colleagues whose strong efforts are rooted in understanding and supporting the population including medical professionals, other scientists, care staff, and security among others.

However, in no way does the Mexico group assume participation in or support of the studies found here, nor do we offer any guarantees with regards to the protocols or standards followed in the studies. This is mainly an academic cooperative effort for this moment of crisis, in order to connect and unite the different efforts underway.

Study on Sleep Disorders due to COVID-19, Dr. Guadalupe Teran, UAM-Iztapalapa

Study on Prejudice and Discrimination,

International study on Group Relations and Effects of COVID-19, Dr. Huseyin Cakal, Keele University, UK.

Study on OECD Science Barometer,

Global Survey on Mental Health among Researchers, Cactus Foundation
