Resources - Student Support

What's my role?

As your Professor, I am your first contact for help you need in this course. If something doesn't make sense, sounds confusing, or you'd just like more information, let me know. Don’t forget. I’m not an expert on everything, but I can help you find someone who is. The resources on this page are only some of the resources you will use in this class and during your college career. Support services is located in Canvas by clicking on the "Student Help" link on your left navigation bar once you login to your Canvas.

Get support for Canvas, email, website, etc.

Once you log into Canvas, you will see a “Student Help” Button on the left menu bar. This link will take you to the Campus Help Desk, Tutoring, Library and Student Services which includes Counseling, Admissions, Financial Aid, Health and Wellness and much more. You can also click on the link above.

Career Center and e-Career-Counseling
The Career Center is open for job placement, resume, internships, and career counseling.

The Counseling Center is open and e-Counseling is available to get help with your schedules and educational planning.

The Tutoring Centers are open! Get help with your classes and find tutoring that works best for you.

Make the most of your research time with resources developed by our librarians. Get one-on-one support and learn how to access the library databases. Remember, information is powerful!

The Health and Wellness Center is open and offers a variety of student help services that include information on testing, food pantry, emergency services, personal counseling, and much more.

I encourage your campus involvement in student activities. Join Student Government or the Honor's Society, Phi Theta Kappa!

"Let every obstacle become an opportunity"