Grading & Feedback

Picture of the letters A, B and C

My grading practice

Your final grade is based on your total points earned. You can check your grades and points under the “Grades” link in Canvas. I have set up the course to encourage all of you to strive for an A grade. There are a total of 730 possible points to earn in class. See the following break down: Check your grades in Canvas. I give feedback and comments in "grades" and I aim to have your work graded within the week after the deadline.

Late Work and Grading

Please review the course calendar carefully and pay attention to the deadlines and due dates of your weekly module activities. Each weekly module is due Sunday night be midnight and you are expected to submit your assignments on or before the weekly due date. This allows me to grade your work within a week to provide you meaningful feedback before your next weekly module activities are due. Due dates have been designed in the course to ensure time is provided to allow you to produce your best work.

Time management is important for your college and career success. We will learn strategies and tips in this course.

Because time management is challenging, deadlines might not be met. But, you’re in luck. Late submissions will be accepted with a penalty. Assignments submitted after the deadline may receive a 10% grade point deduction for one week following the due date and time.

Don’t want the penalty? If you recognize a due date might be a problem, advocate for your success by following these steps:

1.     Identify the problem

2.     Contact me to propose a solution

3. Let's negotiate

I know that getting good grades can sometimes be stressful. To help reduce that stress and improve the likelihood of getting your best grades, allow yourself the time and space you need to do your best work. Don't procrastinate, and if you get stuck on an assignment, reach out to me or one of your peers.  I welcome your questions and I'm happy to help you think through your ideas so you can successfully complete an assignment. You know how to reach me, right? 

Extra Credit Opportunities

Extra Credit opportunities will include attending campus workshops, career fairs, transfer fairs, applying for financial aid, scholarships, additional informational interviewing, joining a club, etc. I will announce extra credit opportunities throughout the class and you are welcome to ask me about extra credit opportunities you might want to do as well.

“I am no longer accepting the things I cannot change. I am changing the things I cannot accept.” - Angela Y. Davis