
The academic calendar lists class start and end dates, deadlines, holidays, finals and more. It is important you are know the dates and deadlines on the academic calendar each semester.

Please note that short-term classes have different deadline dates than semester length classes.

Students with disabilities who may need accommodations in this class are encouraged to notify me and contact Disabled Student Services & Programs (DSPS) early in the semester so that reasonable accommodations may be implemented as soon as possible.

Hate Free Zone

In our Zoom classroom, each student should feel free to express their own opinion and ideas in a respectful manner. Students should be open to listen to and appreciate differences in opinions, life experience, world views, values/beliefs, etc. Our class is a hate-free zone. Please be mindful of how you communicate your values, beliefs, ideas, opinions, etc. While we will often disagree with other people, it does not give anyone the right to intentionally hurt others with words or to discriminate against them. Words matter. This is especially important in a remote or virtual environment so take a moment to think about what you want to say or post in the chat/discussion board. 

Communication Policy

I enjoy hearing from you. No question or concern is too small, and there's no such thing as a "stupid question." Feel Free to email me any question of use the Virtual Discussion to ask your peers. I will respond to you right away or within 24 hours. If you do not hear from me, email me again as I may have missed your email in my in-box. There is also a "Questions and Answers" Discussion where we can all communicate with one another - your peers and myself. I send Canvas Announcements regularly. These Announcements go to the email you have on file in your WebAdvisor. All Announcements are in Canvas under "Announcements" on the left Course Menu bar and listed in chronological order so you can scroll through in case you missed previous Announcements.  You can also find the last two Announcements when you first log into Canvas on my Home Page. Make sure your email is correct in WebAdvisor as this is the email in which all Canvas information will go to. You can reply directly to my emails/announcements that you receive. In addition to sending out weekly announcements, I send out information, resources, and updates often!

Attendance Policy

Attending an online course is achieved by participating in the course, contributing to discussions, asking questions, proposing answers, submitting assignments, and collaborating with your peers. You'll have many opportunities to participate in the coming weeks. As a general rule, you should check your announcements and login at least three times a week. I will post weekly announcements every Saturday to give you an early start to your weekly work that begins each Monday and ends each Sunday night.

As a student, you are a valuable part of the academic community, it's critical that you are knowledgeable about the grounds for disciplinary action per the Student Code of Conduct. More information on these policies is in the Student Affairs Office.

Online Etiquette

Often referred to as "netiquette," here is a gentle reminder of the interaction practices and rules we'll follow in all our interactions in this course.

If you ever feel that someone is not following these rules, please send me an email.

View a text-only version of The Core Rules of Netiquette in a new window.

I will let you know if anything changes to your Syllabus. Detailed Course Calendar and Syllabus are in Canvas. Welcome!