Goals - Outcomes & Objectives

Course Description

This course teaches success strategies to enhance academic and lifelong learning. Explore personality, interests and values to increase self-understanding and select an appropriate major and career. Learn about careers of the future. Identify your learning style and apply psychological principles of learning and memory to academic study strategies. Apply life management techniques such as time and money management to accomplish personal goals. Examine adult stages of development and develop a plan for wellness and living a long and healthy life. Learn strategies for motivation and stress management. Practice creative and critical thinking techniques.

Course Credit

General Education Credit for California State Universities, Area E; UC transferable 

Course Objectives

You will be able to:

1)    Describe various motivational strategies and apply them to their success in college.

2)    Describe vocational interests, values and personality theory to evaluate appropriate careers and college majors.

3)    Identify learning strategies that will facilitate productivity in college.

4)    Demonstrate lifelong success skills that facilitate optimal communication, critical and positive thinking.

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to:

Course Content

1) Personal Growth and Life Management

a. Self-Assessments

b. Life Management: goal setting, decision making, time/money management, behavior modification

c. Motivation: intrinsic and extrinsic; locus of control

d. Interpersonal Communication: speaking, listening, conflict resolution

e. Diversity: social diversity, prejudice and discrimination

2) Career Assessment, Educational Planning, and Research

3) Lifelong Learning

4) Health and Wellness

5) Critical and Creative Thinking

a. Critical Thinking

b. Creative Thinking

c. Methodology of a Social Science

"Be daring, be different, be impractical; be anything that will assert integrity of purpose and imaginative vision against the play-it-safer's, the creatures of the commonplace, the slaves of the ordinary." —Cecil Beaton