Our Mission

What is the Problem I am Targeting?

Cougfit was created to solve the lack of proper nutrition and recovery information available to student athletes. Developing proper nutrition and recovery habits early in an athlete's career is crucial for long-term athletic development and success. Without access to accurate information and resources, athletes may develop unhealthy eating habits, and ultimately may struggling with their careers. Also, many athletes struggle with the timing of meals in relation to different levels of physical activity, such as pre-game, post-game, practice sessions, strength training sessions, and rest days. This can lead to student athletes often finding themselves feeling malnourished throughout their training and competition schedule. Finally, athletes at Clark have been struggling to learn where on campus they can find foods that provide proper nutrients needed to succeed as an athlete. This can further affect team performance during the season, and create an issue for individuals who are struggling with their overall health and wellness. 

What are the Benefits?

This provides Clark student athletes with easy access to nutritious food options on campus, set up daily/weekly nutrition goals, manage times between practice, games, recovery, and meal times. Additionally, the app gives students a convenient background of knowledge about nutrition and recovery techniques, which empowers them to make informed dietary choices and adopt effective recovery practices. This not only enhances their overall performance but also benefits their well-being. The platform saves valuable time for student athletes by directing them to specific locations for nourishing food items, thereby lessening stress in their daily routines. It facilitates efficient team management, ensuring that athletes can balance their academic, athletic, and recovery commitments effectively while maintaining optimal nutrition levels.