Social Justice in Linguistics

Collaboration between faculty at UCSB, Gallaudet University and Syracuse University looking at the placement of deaf linguists after they graduate with a PhD from Linguistics Programs in the United States.  Poster presentation given at the 96th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America.

Hou, L., Hochgesang, J., Occhino, C., & Lepic, R. Where do we go from here? Faculty placement of deaf linguists in US PhD programs. The 96th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, Virtual/Washington, DC, Jan. 6th – 9th, 2022   

Our team created a survey of linguists and language researchers which asks how our social identities have influenced our experiences in and perceptions of our discipline(s). 

On this site (which is still under construction), you'll find select results from the survey, resources on harassment and climate in academia, and a living document of actions people can take.

Presented by a team of the interim Chief Bilingual Officer (Laurene Simms) and the interim Chief Diversity officer (Elizabeth Moore) titled: Is ASL too white?  While unsettling to some, this title authentically reflects the beliefs of professionals and other citizens who are Black Indigenous People of Color (BIPOC).  Unfortunately, historically and even today, professionals in the fields of Deaf Studies, Deaf Education and Sign Language Interpreting are white and they do not adequately reflect the background characteristics of the Deaf persons who they serve. As such, white ASL professionals have controlled the development of ASL curriculum, standards, teaching and research methodologies that do not incorporate the values, beliefs and needs of BIPOC.  To address this void, these webinar series will openly address and confront issues of racism, audism, linguistic oppression, and ethnicity. Throughout the webinars, panels of scholars and researchers of color will come together to share insights, experiences and collaborate to explore solutions for these issues to ensure a diverse and equitable profession for everyone.

Originally hosted via Zoom Feb. 17, 2021 as part of the Chief Bilingual Officer Lecture Series at Gallaudet Uni.

Linguist Megan Figueroa PhD started a database of marginalized scholars working in a variety of linguistics fields on a variety of languages. It's a great place to start to familiarize with minoritized scholars in a variety of subfields. Definitely lots of great scholars here to add to your syllabi and to insert into your citation rotation.