Embodied Cognitive Phonology

Recent Talks 

Occhino, C. Embodied Cognition, Visual Language & the Emergence of Form. Paper presented. University of Toronto Interdisciplinary Symposium on the Mind (UTISM2020): Vision & Visual Perception. University of Toronto, Ontario, CA, Feb. 2020. 

Occhino, C. Emergence of Form and Meaning from a Usage-based Perspective. Invited paper presented at the Form & Meaning Workshop, at Radboud University, Nijmegen, Netherlands. June 2019.

Occhino, C. Image Schemas and Embodied Cognition: Reconceptualizing Signed Language Phonology. Paper presented at the 13th High Desert Linguistics Society Conference, Albuquerque, NM, Nov. 2018

Occhino, C. A Cognitive Approach to Phonology: Evidence from Signed & Spoken Languages. Paper presented at the 14th Intl. Cognitive Linguistics Conference: Linguistic Diversity & Cognitive Linguistics, Tartu, Estonia, July 2017.