About Us and Our Building

Fluor Brothers Construction 1924 - 2010

This building was originally built by Fluor Bros. Construction in 1924 as their office and shop space.  Fluor Brothers was a staple in the Oshkosh community from 1870-2010.  They were involved in many projects in the area including: Mercy Hospital, Wisconsin National Life building, Riverside Cemetery chapels, and buildings on the UWO campus.  Several of their buildings are on the state and national historic registers.  Hundreds of blueprints from the construction company still reside in the basement. https://historicoshkosh.org/fluor-bros-construction-co-office/

Here is some information about Casper Fluor and local house architechture: https://theweekendhistorian.com/2015/11/08/historic-plaque-for-the-fluor-house/

Calvary SonRise Church 2014 - 2019

In 2014, the building was purchased by Calvary SonRise and operated as their church until April 2019 when they decided to move as they outgrew the space.  Much of the work to improve the building was done by the church.  They took down interior walls, removed drywall to expose the brick and tile, and removed a walk-in vault (the safe door and concrete pad remain in the main hall).  They put in the penny floor, kitchen, bathrooms, ADA ramp, and added the playground (formerly residing at Roe Park).   Many of the materials for the improvements were donated to the church.  The barn board came from a barn in Green Lake and the outdoor lighting from Ripon College.  Here is more information about their church.

Copper Hall 2020 - Present

In 2020, we were looking to purchase a building with office space for a business we were buying.  This building had offices (we rent to three other tenants) and we felt that it would be a great small event venue so Copper Hall (named for the penny floor) was born and we started that business as well.  We added doors to separate the venue space from the office space.  The white door in the main hall is made from barn board from a family farm in Van Dyne.  We added the kitchen island which is made from a bowling alley and repurposed cabinets.  We redid the hardwood floor and when we had to source additional material, we bought some maple flooring that came out of the old Buckstaff furniture factory on Main Street.  You can still see some of the original yellow safety paint around the perimeter of the room.  We also added the patio, re-did the parking lot, and planted many perennials.  Our most recent project was adding a new studio office space.

We have started a list of the blueprints that are in our basement.  There are many more to catalog.  Contact us if you have any interest in obtaining some.

We recently started gathering some historical information about Fluor.  Right now it is compiled into a document and we will work on a Table of Contents in the future.  The cover of the source precedes the document which mentions Fluor.  The documents are in publication date order.  References to Fluor are highlighted in yellow.