I am looking for a way to add an option(s) to the right click context menu when editing text on a WinXP machine. I already do a lot of copy/pasting on it, so the clipboard is always changing, but there is one string I type repeatedly in almost every file I edit.

I don't think there's an extension point for that sort of thing. You'd have to inject code into every process that has a window with a text box control, which would be complicated and frowned upon by most anti-virus applications.

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I know you said you wanted to avoid third-party software, but there really isn't any way around it. A program like AutoIt will allow you to create a custom keyboard shortcut to paste whatever text you like into almost any application. It would probably be much more stable than any custom program written in the short term.

Assuming you are referring to the Edit control context menu.You can achieve this by cloning and amending the Edit control context menu, via AutoHotkey. If the context menu is a for a different type of control, the same principle applies but it may be harder to recreate the existing menu item functions.

To 'add' a menu item, the simplest method would be to replace the entire menu with your own custom context menu. With your custom menu item at the top of it, and you would probably want to recreate the Undo/Cut/Copy/Paste/Delete/Select All items that appear on the Edit control. Using ControlGet, vText, Selected to recreate the Copy function for example. You use #IfWinActive to makethe menus only appear if a certain window is the active window, e.g. only if Notepad is the active window.You would also need to capture right-clicks via the RButton hotkey and/or capture AppsKey presses,and use ControlGetFocus to check if an Edit control was in focus, and MouseGetPos to check if an Edit control was under the cursor. So there would be a bit of work involved. Regarding capturing right-clicks, see the link below, where you would replace LButton with RButton. Good luck!

The question asks how to edit the context menu for an Edit control,it it slightly unclear whether this is wanted for renaming or editing files,the AutoHotkey script below replicatesthe Edit control menu when editing files in Explorer and using Notepad.It adds a button that sends a string to the Edit control.

I want to simplify a process by right-clicking in a text editor. this item launchs a *.bat file.I have searched in the registry editor. I know how create the keys, but I know where create them to add this action after the famous "cut, copy, paste, ..."

The ASP.NET MVC Rich Text Editor (RichEdit extension) enables you to customize its context menu. By handling the PopupMenuShowing client-side event, you can perform the following actions with the ASPxRichEdit's context menu

In this demo, the PopupMenuShowing event is handled to illustrate the context menu customizing capabilities. Using check boxes, you can switch the context menu availability (via e.cancel) and control whether to clear or retain the default menu items when populating the menu with custom items (via e.menuItems). The custom items are implemented as ASPxClientRichEditPopupMenuItem objects by their name property. Clicks on custom menu items are processed using the CustomCommandExecuted client event. Its handler identifies the activated item by its name and performs the corresponding action on the client-side. In this demo, custom menu items create the Date and Time fields (using the createDateField and createTimeField client commands) and search the selected text in Google (the selected text is received via the Client API).

When I try to edit the value of any component on the page and hit submit, in some cases the value of the rich text input is returned as undefined but when I check the state of the component the value attribute has the correct value.

Hey @msapcili! No worries, it looks like I misunderstood exactly what was going on here. Good to hear that the workaround may be sufficient for now, but would you mind providing some more context on the initial bug?

I see, that's understandable. You mentioned you could consistently reproduce the error with the same content - do you mean a specific piece of text was being particularly problematic? If so, would you be open to sharing it for us to test with on our end?

I know that hidden items still take up space in the layout but the content is hidden. Rich text editor is not hiding those elements or tags. The data and elements inside those hidden tags are still visible in editor.

I agree with Mathieu and I want to provide more context. The Rich Text Editor sanitizes rich text input that it passed into it to protect against malicious HTML (such as embedded XSS or XSRF attacks). It only allows markup that matches the features it support. So I suspect that is why tags with visibility:hidden are showing up, because the Rich Text Editor doesn't support that inline styling and is removing it. That styling isn't malicious, but it's getting caught by the security features of the Rich Text Editor.

ECCE (the Edinburgh Compatible Context Editor) is a text editor for computing systems and operating environments that support a command line interface. It is an original command set which is logical and regular. It was written in the 1960s by Hamish Dewar, an experienced Compiler writer and used this skill to design a command-set which could be easily parsed and coded to allow complex commands to be built up. A technique similar to threaded code in the Forth environment. The current ECCE release is licensed under the BSD License, recoded into C and released by Graham Toal in 2007.[1]

Hamish Dewar in the early 1960s recognised a need for a more powerful text editor. At the time editing files was laborious as editors could only load into memory one code line at a time and insert, delete or replace only the whole line. Because of memory limitations (a large computer might have between 8k and 32k or memory) few editors could execute repeated commands or support macros for text processing.[2]

ECCE became the default text editor for computers at the University of Edinburgh and remained almost unchanged for a period of almost 25 years. The editors survival is attributed to the fact that thousands of undergraduates and postgraduates would have used the tool in their higher education and wherever in the world they settled the benefits of ECCE were promoted and local implementations created from Hamish Dewar's source code. ECCE became one of the most popular and well respected text editors of the 1970s.

Hi there, recently updated our sites NaturalOne editor - it seems the testing plugin / context menu not loading in Natural One 10.11.

Also, trying to edit nattst same problem - just opens up a text editor, not the test editor.

Modern operating systems provide mechanisms to produce text in a variety of ways: speech-to-text, virtual keyboards, handwriting recognition and many more. When an app wants to consume text input from these various sources, it must first provide a view of its currently editable text to the operating system. The view of editable text provides a common language that apps (having a variety of different document models) and sources of text (having a variety of different input methods) can both understand. Both the apps and input sources communicate with one another by expressing their desired changes to the state of the common view as an event that the other can handle to facilitate the text input process.

For the purposes of this document, a producer of text is known as a Text Input Method. The view provided by an app which wants to consume text is called a Text Edit Context. The service provided by the OS to facilitate the editing of text in the Text Edit Context by the Text Input Methods is called a Text Input Service.

Authors that want to produce sophisticated editing experiences may be challenged by the current approach. If, for example, the text and selection are rendered to a canvas, user agents are unable to produce a Text Edit Context to drive the text input process. Authors compensate by resorting to offscreen editable elements, but this approach comes with negative implications for accessibility, it deteriorates the input experience, and requires complex code to synchronize the position of the text in the offscreen editable element with the corresponding text in the canvas.

An EditContext is a JavaScript projection of the Text Edit Context concept discussed in the previous section. Using an EditContext, an author can mark a region of the document editable by associating an instance of an EditContext with an element.

Associating an EditContext to an element makes that element intrinsically focusable. When the element is focused, the user agent will use the state of the EditContext to construct a Text Edit Context that is provided to the Text Input Service of the OS:

Below is the list of elements that can be associated with EditContext: abbr, address, article, aside, b, blockquote, canvas, cite, code, del, details, dfn, div, dl, dd, dt, em, footer, form, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, hgroup, i, ins, kbd, label, mark, object, ol, output, p, pre, q, ruby, s, samp, section, small, span, strong, sub, sup, table, time, u, and ul.

The WPF Rich Text Editor supports several types of context menus. These menus are invoked when a user clicks different document elements (for example, a header or footer, document text, picture or table).

The journal publishes research across a broad range of fields and interests: such as, for example, all strata of language and contexts, academic and professional writing, business communication, computational modeling, healthcare communication, child language development, language and literacy learning, literary studies, second and other language learning, social class effects on language use in institutional settings, studies of ideologies, translation and interpretation, and workplace relations.

By default, there is no issue. Applications indeed open URLs in Firefox correctly.

However, when I copy/paste the firefox.desktop file to my user profile with the purpose of replacing its 2 context menu actions (New Window and Private Window) with launching 2 different profiles, so that I can easily launch one of those profiles, - without modifying anything else (!), urls open in text editor. 2351a5e196

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